Want to thank all of you

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    I am so sorry to hear of your daughters passing. I to know she is home with our Lord. I lost my sister to this awfull cancer in June. My thoughts and prayers go to you and your family.


    Dear Sue,

    I am so very sorry to hear of the passing of you daughter. I wish that there was something that I could say that would help. Please accept my sincerest condolences and my thoughts are with you and your family right now.




    I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your wonderful daughter. No words can ease your pain and sadness, but try to take comfort in knowing that atleast now she is no longer suffering and is at peace. She will be remembered by those who knew and loved her and will always be with you in your heart and memories.

    With Love & Hugs,


    I am so sorry for your loss. People stay with us in our memories of what they’ve done and how they’ve made us feel. That can never go away. I hope time makes your loss more bearable.


    I am so sorry for your loss Sue


    Sue, I have 2 ideas for you. For the children, if they are very young. Go outside on a nice evening full of stars. Pick one and name it Aunt Dani and tell the children that anytime they want to talk to her all they have to do is look up in the sky at night. For you, I am not sure how much you believe in beyond, but I totally do. Teddy has come to me in so many ways over the 8 months. Through music, like our song comes on when I turn the radio on in the car. Just so many things, that I started a log and date each “visit”. This has really helped me so much, I cannot begin to tell you. I know we each have our own way of coping and for me by being a believer it sure helps. I have no wish to die, I have too much to live for, but I do know that each day brings me closer to being with him again. My other belief is that I had a love for 17 years (2nd time around) that most never know in a lifetime and that keeps me from complaining. You will find your own “new normal” and Dani will be very proud of you!


    I understand completely what you are saying. I finally arrived at a place just this week that I felt her around me. It was so comforting to know that. I know in my heart that she is with me every day and that she is watching not over me but others that she loved. She left several of the children in our family that are devistated but know that Aunt Dani is watching over them. I hope it as comforting to them as it is to me. I find myself in a difficult situation in that my family has always been very close and that they not only lost one of their family but a person that they looked up to. Doesn’t matter what your reasoning is for being here just that you are doing so much good is wonderful. Every day is a struggle but with Gods help I keep on going because that is what I know she would have wanted. We were closer then most Mother and Daughter in that it was just the two of us since she was 5 years old. I struggle with the knowlege that I could not protect her from this but know that we did everything that we could have done to give her more time with those that she loved.


    Sue, I just want to say that I am a strong believer in destiny. You may not know why God wanted Dani now but one day you will know, just not yet. I also believe that the day is going to come that you will see signs of her around you.
    Sometimes I like to think that Teddy is not gone….he is just in another room.
    Thanks for your compliments but I am on here for selfish reasons. This site began at the same time that Teddy was diagnosed with CC. I could not have made it through our 5 year journey had it not been for this site and I became totally addicted because of people like you. I always say if our Members ran the world it would be a world of peace and harmony and love.


    Thank you Lainy. Dani was a very stong person that only wanted to help all children. Unfortunately she never married and had no children of her own. But I think that was all in Gods plan as she loved and wanted to help all children in need. She had just finished getting her Masters in Counceling and was ready to start setting up her own practice to help kids that were at risk and their families. I struggle to look for the reason that God took her when she wanted so much to help others but I know that she is in a better place and that she is with us all every day. Bless you in what you are doing to help other. It is a noble thing that all of you do.
    God bless and help you in your time of healing.


    Hi Mom, I am so very sorry to hear about your daughter. It was so very hard losing my husband 8 months ago but I cannot imagine losing a child. What a wonderful event the School is having in her Memory. That speaks volumes about her. If you feel you are doing better and can talk about it now, then I need to say I think you are doing remarkably well, which is what I am sure your daughter would want. I just feel so bad that so many of us are learning to live a “new normal” that none of us would wish on anyone.But, we have to be strong because that is what our loved ones would want. How lucky the little angels in Heaven to have received the newest of their flock. Please stop by anytime here to say hello.


    I haven’t posted for a long time but felt I needed to thank all of you for the support that you may not have known you gave me. My only child was diagnosed with this terrible sickness in September of last year. After a long and hard fought battle I lost her on April 3rd. Her poor body just could not fight any longer. It has been a battle for me to keep a positive out look on life with out her but it is getting better. I am now able to at least talk about it. I just wanted all of you to know that even though I did not post I would get on your site and read what others were going through and to share their feelings of flustration, hope and courage. My daughters passing has not only left a large hole in my heart but she touched so many people in her short life they are still contacting me to tell me what she ment to them. In the fall they are dedicating her class room to her and planting a tree on the school grounds in her name. There isn’t a day go by that I do not think of her and smile for I know she is with our Lord and he needed her there to help with all the children that have gone to heaven. Thank you for your site and please keep up the good work. God Bless

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