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    Welcome to the best site for CC survivors and their caretakers that I have found on the internet. I’m sure that you, like me, did not want to join or ever hear the word cholangiocarcinoma.

    I agree with what Pam said, as in today’s world, without those forms and because of HIPAA, you may not be given a lot of information.

    Everyone on this site is wonderful and always more than willing to share their experiences and their advice. Reading posts can often be a boost that can lift your spirits when you are having a bad day. Also there is so much information on this site that it’s unbelieveable! And rather than like reading a textbook, everything comes from real live experiences.

    Prayers are coming your dad’s way from Wisconsin.

    Please tell him to Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer.



    Hi Swissgirl!

    You have every right to be worried and upset about your Father. There is a very special bond between Daddies and daughters!

    I lost my Mom who was diagnosed with Stage IV CC with mets to the lungs almost a year ago. Believe me when I say we understand because we’ve all stood in your shoes.

    Don’t be afraid or intimidated in asking questions or getting answers. Try to remember you’re paying for a service and you deserve to get your money’s worth! I would suggest getting a notebook to write any question that pops into your mind and take it with you to doctor’s appointment. Make sure you get answers! Also make a point to remember to get in the habit of getting copies of blood work, scans, and keep them on hand.

    Another bit of “housekeeping” would be to get your Dad’s medical power of attorney and make sure you’re listed on hospital HIPPA forms so you have access to his information.

    You are already an amazing daughter and you will be such a help to your Mom and Dad!

    Please come here often and know we are all here for you.

    Hugs and much love coming your way!



    Thanks to all of you. Hearing from you and the sense of welcome you have shown me has really lifted my spirits. Funny, but watching my father go through this has been harder to deal with than my own bout with cancer.

    I will keep you posted.



    Hi Swissgirl,

    Welcome to the site, although I am sorry that you have to be here. Please come back often as you will get a lot of support and help from us all. Feel free to ask any and as many questions as you will have as I know that you will get answers from someone.

    My dad was diangosed in 2008 with inoperable CC and I was his carer during his fight. Finding this place and all the wonderful people here was just what I needed and everyone here helped me so much, and I know that they will do the same for you. I am glad to hear that your dad was able to have the whipple and i hope for a speedy and succesful recovery for him.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    Hi Swissgirl,

    You have every reason to be optimistic for your father’s outcome. My husband first tried to have the Whipple last June (’09) but the surgeon had found a spot on his liver (which he removed while looking around laparascopically). After 8 months on chemo (gemzar/xeloda), they were able to perform the surgery and all pathology results were negative! Lymph nodes, gall bladder, margins of the original tumor site. Even the tumor itself had no signs of live cancer cells.

    The Whipple is a huge surgery, so just keep being there to help your father, physically, mentally and emotionally. I hope the best for both of you. Keep us posted.



    Well, Hello Swissgirl and Welcome to our wonderful Family. Wow 2 major survivors in one family. Congratulations to you and your dad, great news.
    My husband Teddy at the age of 73 had a double Whipple as the first one was aborted and 3 weeks later the real thing. He is now 77 and doing pretty darn good. We never know when anything will re occur or if it will. CC pretty much plays guessing games with us constantly. Take each day at a time and relish in the fact that your dad came through the Whipple so well. Please keep us informed as to how your dad is doing.


    You are more than welcome, dear Swiss girl. As Kris has mentioned, stay positively optimistic and realistic and please, continue to reach out. We are here for you.
    Best wishes,



    Thank you for the encouragement. I’ve been reading the boards since the doctors thought he might have CC, and I am just astounded at the love and positive comments that you all share.

    And thank you for the welcome.



    Hello Swissgirl and welcome to our site. I am glad that you have found us. Be prepared for much information and support coming your way. The members on this site are the finest bunch of people you may ever come in contact with. We are here for you, all the way. Congratulations on the successful whipple procedure of your Dad. I believe, that you are worrying (don’t we all?) a bit too early about a possible second resection. The same goes for a possible lymph node involvement. Hang in there and wish for positive developments and a clear pathology report. Certainly, I am crossing my fingers and I am sending all my best wishes.


    I finally decided to write here about my dad. He’s 71 and has never had a major illness until last month when he fell out of bed from was latter discovered as cholangitis. Since then he’s had the Whipple to remove a suspected cholangiocaecinoma located in the distal portion of his bile duct. He’s 3 days out from surgery and we are waiting for the pathology results. The waiting is torture.

    I wonder how often can the tumor be resected and the lymphs nodes not be involved. I just keep hoping he’ll be clear.

    I just need to say I am grateful there is a place I can go and feel that I can share with those who understand.

    I am a cancer survivor, renal and ovarian, of 3 years.

    Love to all and peace.

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