We have been chosen again – ASCO sponsored booth 2013

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    This is such exciting news! With all of you representing this foundation, we will be heard and results will happen. Thank you all so much!!!


    Can’t wait to hear all about it. Maybe you can get those sneakers with the wheels in them :)



    Thanks for this Marion. This is very exciting news indeed and thank you for letting us all know about it. I hope that you, Percy, Barbara, Stella and Linda will all have a great ASCO and I so look forward to hearing all about it. If I had some roller skates I would gladly donate them to the cause!

    My thanks and hugs to you all,



    Our volunteers again will include our dear Barbara, Stella and for the very first time our Linda will be part of the team manning the booth. Percy and I are in and out, well not sure how much we will see of Percy, as he is everywhere gathering knowledge, and I will be in several closed door sessions and meetings with physicians, advocates, and those making appointments to meet in person. McCormick Hall is immense in size – sure wish we could use roller skates navigating the area – but we know that upon our return, we have lot’s to share with you all.


    Hi, everyone,
    For your info.especially the new members;besides we have volunteers like Barbara and others to man to booth all the time at each of the ASCO; we do have volunteers to attend different medical seminars(like P53 gene’s relationship with different pathways of cancer); special sessions of research( like develop” organ in a chip”- ie: a” liver in a chip” to study and shorten the time of medication research phase I and early Phase II that requires for approval a new drug application in stead of using human.; poster sessions for uptodate reseach results and new ideas;public and FDA policy(like REMS) and the complimentary and Alternative(CAM)sessions for newly discovered therapies that can be compliment to the current western style medicine and practice (like Yoga,meditation ). Last year, ASCO even added liver malignancy sessions which include experts in the surgical,oncology and radiation fields to present their takes on treating the liver and biliary diseases. A lot to learn and a lot to choose from for our CCA disease.In short, we are really working hard both upfront and behind the scene for all the medical conventions in order to get the most current medical development trends and information of this disease and pass on to you . For all of what we do, we try to increase our connections to the world and increasing our knowledge to fight against this disease. I hope our double edge sword method will shorten the time for the discovery of a better and more effective tolerated regimen for the patients who are suffering now and the miracle cure that eluding us in the past for the future CCA patients to come.
    God bless.


    Oh My! We are CC advocates hear us roar!!!! There are no words to describe this amazing feeling!


    So excited and wanted to share with you the good news:

    “Good Afternoon, Marion –
    We are pleased to inform you that The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation has been accepted for participation in the ASCO-Sponsored Patient Advocacy Booth at the 2013 ASCO Annual Meeting at McCormick Place in Chicago, Illinois, May 31 – June 4.”

    This is the third year that we have been granted this premier locacation at ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology) these spots are difficult to come by and I must admit that each year, as the deadline for application is approaching, I become a bit anxious.
    The ASCO-Sponsored Patient Advocacy Booth is designed to give not-for-profit patient advocacy organizations an opportunity to promote their resources and services to the professional oncology community. This booth, which holds 24 patient advocacy organizations, provides a venue where participants can display materials and where physicians and patient advocates can meet, interact, and exchange information.


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