We should all be furious

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    How many more stories are we going to hear like this before our government officials do what they’re suppose to do – LISTEN AND CARE FOR THEIR CONSTITUENTS!!!???

    On the other hand, how many stories like this are we NOT hearing about? I believe there are many people that are affected by this shutdown – people that were just told they were eligible for a clinical trial but hadnt started it before the shutdown of the government. Now their lives are on hold. I wonder how a Senator or Congressman/woman would feel if it was them or someone they love?

    This is heartbreaking! We all need to write to our representatives and tell them this shutdown needs to end NOW. Peoples lives depend on it ending.

    I’m not a political person but this is just too personal for me to not anything.




    Shutdown halts clinical trial for cancer patient.



    Clinicaltrials.gov as well –

    ClinicalTrials.gov is open, however it is being maintained with minimal staffing due to the lapse in government funding. Information will be updated to the extent possible, with priority given to processing registrations of new trials and critical updates to existing entries, such as trial status and contact information for enrollment. The agency will attempt to respond to urgent operational inquiries. For updates regarding government operating status see http://www.usa.gov.


    Even Pubmed is being affected by this it seems –

    “PubMed is open, however it is being maintained with minimal staffing due to the lapse in government funding. Information will be updated to the extent possible, and the agency will attempt to respond to urgent operational inquiries. For updates regarding government operating status see USA.gov.”


    A horrible situation to say the least and let’s hope that it get’s sorted as soon as possible. And yes, very well said Mary.


    Well said, Mary.


    Shame on the US Government! As the Senate and Congress continue to receive their pay, other government workers are losing theirs.

    Sadly, those fighting for their lives (as noted in Marion’s link above) are not able to enter clinical trials because the NIH is forced to put clinical trials on hold while the people we voted for hold us hostage by refusing to negotiate for the good of the people they represent.

    Let’s pray they will come to their senses and end this shutdown soon.



    I do have 1 non partisan idea…..fire everyone in Washington and replace them with children of grade school age! Ya, think not?

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