We’re getting there (again)!!

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working We’re getting there (again)!!

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  • #40699

    Good news indeed. My fingers are crossed that all goes well with the Chemo and the bili stays down. You also mentioned the current stent behaving. Yes, that’s always a toughie. My hubbie had 12 ERCPs in as many months. The first one caused pancreatitis, which was a real problem. In the end, it was all for the good. Those stents are painful and can be awful, but it kept him alive long enough for the treatment to work. Which, it did.


    Kim Kircher


    Hi Andrea

    I am so glad to hear that things are finally looking up for your Dad. That ‘s such good news and I am keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well for September 2nd.
    I think that trying to keep things normal when that is possible is the best way so it’s great that he was able to go to the Sound of Music and out with your son. I keep trying to get Mum to do less but of course she wants to keep busy, and it does do her good !
    best wishes for those bilirubin levels



    Hi Andrea,

    Fingers crossed for your dads next CT scan on Wednesday and hopefully he will finally get to start his chemo in September. Hoping that his bilirubin hits the 50 number or under in the coming 2 weeks. Great to hear that your dad is putting on weight! Even if it is 1lb a week, as you say it’s better than nothing.

    Best wishes to you and your Dad,



    Dads visit with the Oncologist went well. Dad has a CT Scan next Wed so they can use it as a base line for the Chemo. Chemo hopefully will start on Thur 2 Sept, if bilirubin is down to the magic 50! It is 68 now so we have nearly 2 weeks to get there.

    Dad is putting on weight slowly, 1Ib a week, but it’s better than nothing. We went to RAF Cosford Thursday and Dad and my son loved looking at the planes. Dad enjoyed it but it tired him out, though my sons constant chatter tends to do that to you! He also enjoyed the Sound of Music last week.

    My thoughts as always are with everyone of my CC family.

    Best wishes



    Great news, Andie. I am crossing my fingers for Wednesday’s visit. Finally, everyone can take a deep breath and relax a bit.
    Best wishes,


    Hi Andie,

    Some more good news for your dad, excellent stuff. Hoping that things continue to improve for your dad and that your parents enjoy the musical.

    Best wishes,



    Good, good news, Andie. Your post is the “Sound of Music” to our ears.


    Great that things are improving and your dad is feeling better. Hope your parents get to that musical.



    After a few set backs things look like they are finally getting better again. Dad has had his external drain out today, and although he’s in a bit of discomfort, it’s a sign things are working again. We are anxiously waiting his appointment for next Wednesday with the Oncologist, fingers crossed he can start his Chemo this month (it really would be the best birthday present I could have!). He seems to be getting less jaundiced everyday, which is lovely to see, hopefully this time it will last longer and this stent will behave.

    Luckily he is feeling well just in time to see the Sound of Music Musical, this weekend. It will do both my parents good to get out.

    Best wishes to you all

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