What a good word…Stable

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working What a good word…Stable

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  • #76776

    This thread caught my eye because I thought the same thing when I heard that my uncle’s scans had come back “stable” with no new growth.
    Congratulations on your good news and extended holiday season =)


    That is wonderful news! Its true, stability for long periods is common and remission happens sometimes too, though CC is sneaky. Hope your Halloween is all treats and no tricks!


    Dear Crissie,

    What a blessing that your Dad has become stable and you can enjoy the holidays together. Cherish the time you share.

    Love and hugs,


    Hi Mark. You will learn real fast here that we do not believe in time frames. No one was ever born with an expiration date stamped on their feet. We have had quite a few at Stage IV and are doing quite well, some have even done so well they had surgery. There are so many new options that we didn’t have just a few years ago. We don’t pay much attention to statistics either as every one seems to be so different. I admire the ONC who will not give time frames as that is like saying give up now! While so many are being held stable new things are happening and we have seen Miracles. Our Tiffany just had a transplant, the first of it’s kind ever! Was even put into the News. So stay strong and take one day at a time. We are big believers in 2nd and 3rd opinions as well.
    To email someone simply click on their name to the left of their post and it will take you to an email that goes through our Site. Not a big fan of posting emails and phone numbers as you never know what kind of kook will call. then you can get a number privately. Keep in mind though that by keeping up on our site you will get good advice from the best advisors in the world.


    Mark….to send private e-mail
    click on Crissie’s name, left side of posting – highlighted in green
    scroll to: Private information




    My wife ( age 57) was diagnosed about 6 weeks ago and has had 4 chemo treatments after a PTC stent was placed. I happened to come across your posts about your father and it sounded sort of similar. The big thing being not reselectable ( no surgery) No one ever gave me an estimate of time ( like you seem to have received) but rather I hear less than 10 % of people live 5 yrs. with this disease. For my wife they think it started with bile duct definitely in liver and maybe gall bladder.

    We haven’t had a subsequent scan yet ( we are going to do that in Dec after about 4 cycles. 8 treatments)

    Your posting have given me some encouragement has it seems you are at least 6 months since diagnosis and your father is doing better.

    Do they talk about any chance of surgery? From what I’ve read that isn’t a cure all but seems to be best option/extend life projections.

    Anyhow keep posting and telling me how your dad is doing.

    I assume this is just a post to your topic , I don’t think I could figure out your direct e-mail address.


    mark ( user name BRIELY04)


    Great news! Congrats!


    Crissie, I just love that word!! Congratulations and have a great Holiday season filled with wonderful memories!!


    Crissie – What wonderful awesome news. Stable is a great word to hear now you can go into the holidays knowing this wonderful news.




    Crissie…I echo everything mentioned by Lainy and want to add that grandpa will enjoy his little one too. Great news all the way around. Congratulations.


    Crissie, MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy Thanksgiving, you know we love stable. How do you top that for a Holiday present? Thank you for updating us and we hope this word continues in Dad’s life.


    My dad had his second CT scan. The first one in June showed shrinkage…this one shows no growth no new cancer…STABLE!

    This is great. At his diagnosis he was told to get his affairs in order. Now we are looking forward to Christmas together.

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