What about marijuana?

Discussion Board Forums Pain Management What about marijuana?

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    I was inspired by this guy enough to try cannibus oil. I’m using a higher CBD, lower THC oil, so there’s no high feeling. The downside is it doesn’t have as much of an effect on pain or appetite, but it might help some. I’ve only been on it a few weeks, and I had to take a break to travel for a week.
    Supposedly it has the same ability to battle cancer. I’m in Colorado, so obtaining it was easy.

    I’m also on FULFOX chemo right now, so it’s hard to say if it helps or not, but I am willing to try to augment that chemo. I’ll update after it’s time for new imagery to see if my tumor is shrinking.

    Figuring out dosage can be hard with all the info out there. I settled on 1 gram per day, based on what I’ve read.



    Hi there,

    I hope that this works for your husbands pain and that he can find a way of using this that suits him. Seeing as your husband has never smoked I’m guessing that eating it will be best for him. As to type and what quantity to use, I would suggest that some trial and error here would be best to see what suits him for his level of pain. Good luck with it all and please let us know how things go for him.

    My best wishes to you both,



    jtaylor –
    So glad Deleware joined in with the rest of us…of course I live in Washington state so we have gone on beyond that. To answer you question, there really is no answer. I would try to find a reputable dispensary locally and talk to someone about different strains and how much to start with. I know there are oils available and then can be added to food or drinks. There is also a cream that can be applied to the inner arm. I talked to a local dispensary about my husband (although he refused to use) and they were full of information. I will also tap a friend of mine how understands this and see what he has to say.



    jtaylor……Kudos to the State of Delaware for granting patients the opportunity to receive medical marijuana. Although a big proponent for the use of marijuana for cancer patients I am not able to answer the questions posed by you. But I hope for others to come forward and share their experiences with us.


    My state of Delaware has approved medical marijuana; anyone know what strain to use for pain? Does it work better than opiods? How much do you need to eat if that’s how you take it? (my husband has never smoked so ingestion will be his best approach.)

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