What are the odds after the failed resection attempt

Discussion Board Forums Surgery, Resection & Transplant Treatment Options What are the odds after the failed resection attempt

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  • #22640

    Is there a reason that your cousin still cannot have a transplant?



    gumsum…..welcome to our CC family. I am so sorry to hear about your cousin


    My cousin aged 47 years was diagnosed Klatskin Tumor 3-4 months ago. One of the doctor at a big hospital advised for a liver transplant.

    One of the doctor at our family strongly objected to that and strongly recommended for the resection which he agreed. Unfortunately operation took place but tumor cannot be resected due to its pecular location.

    The doctors had put the metal stent and did chemo and the radiation and asked for the CT scan after 3 weeks. Results were very encouraging according to doctors because they says taht cancer had not spread and the tumor had shrinked.

    What is bugging me is the hype ONLY CURE IS THE RESECTION AND

    Can the readers with their experiences can give some ideas that the tumor has really shrinked and what lies in the future. The guy is doing well with very little after effects of the trauma he had gone through.

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