What dosage did you take? Gemzar / Cisplatin

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion What dosage did you take? Gemzar / Cisplatin

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  • #31416

    Hi Viola,

    My oncologist is prescribing me 1650mg of Gemcitabine and 42mg of Cisplatin. I receive these for 2 weeks and then 1 week off. From what I understand they take the patients weight is taken into consideration for the dosing. I am 135lbs.

    All the best,


    I dont know what I am getting. I am calling the oncology department today so if I can remember to ask. The oncologist I spoke to yesterday said that he “prefers” to give lower doses which the body can handle instead of killing having to take so many breaks in the treatment cycle. So I am assuming my dosage is not too high. Will check though…the more we share, the more we learn.



    The oncologist has agreed to change my Mom’s chemotherapy regime to Gemzar and Cisplatin. I showed the ASCO report to him, and discussed the dosage with him. In the ASCO report, Dr. Valle use 25mg/M2 cisplatin plus 1000mg/M2 Gemzar, two weeks on and one week off. The oncologist told me, in their hospital, they usually use 75mg/M2 Cisplatin per 3 weeks, because they found it’s more effective in other cancer.

    The doctor said if I want to try lower dosage, that’s also okay. Cound someone share your experience and your dosage with me?

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