What I would have done differently if I would have known better

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    That sounds lovely,Elicia-your mom was 3 years older than me-pretty young I say.We live next to the ocean too and its a big part of our lives.You did really well in very tricky circumstances,I still marvel at that that trip of yours.
    Very kind regards Janet


    Elicia, I know your pain and how you are feeling. My Mom is accepting chemotherapy for stage IV cholangiocarcinoma now. She was diagnosed on July 31. At the begining, I searched information about cc on the website, and I found it seems nothing is effective for stage IV cc. But later, I got more and more information, and found it seems still has many methods are wothy to try. Although from literature search, I found almost all research paper recognize chemotherapy is “ineffective” for cc, my Mom still wants to try it.

    Originally, I prefer to give up chemotherapy. Because I am afraid of that if Mom only has few month to live, I don’t want her be very weak and uncomfortable. Since the research paper shows chemotherapy is “ineffective”, why we still need to try it? At that time, I was very struggling with should I make a decision for Mom or let her make choice by herself. Until now, I still has such kind of problems, for example, using Chinese medicine or not, doing Qigong or not, eat some supplement or not….

    I think maybe this kind of struggles is a path that we ( Patient’s family )all have to walk on. I am very sorry for your Mom passed away, but I still hope you can release your sorrow soon. Just like jmoneypenny wrote “You did the best you possibly could, and she loved you for it.”


    Thank you all for condolences, we had her services yesterday, and they were beautiful. We are going today to spread her remains in the ocean and have a beach party exactly as she would have wanted. I will put her picture up w a quick bio, her name was Victoria Fraser, age 55. She just turned 55 on Aug 15th.


    So sorry for the loss of your mother. Please try not to second-guess your decisions (though we all do it) – as others said, there are no right answers with this cancer. My mother also had tumors just in the liver, but there were so many of them, and it’s considered metastasis Stage IV if it’s in the liver, so it usually IS completely hopeless. My mother tried chemo and I believe it hastened her death, so really, you never do know. But she wouldn’t have last that long, anyway – once the liver is afflicted that heavily, there usually is not much time. My mother lasted two months after diagnosis.

    You are a WONDERFUL and CARING daughter and I’m sure your mother told you how much she loved you, in actions if not in words. You did the best you possibly could, and she loved you for it.

    Joyce M


    Elicia … I too am saddened to learn of your mom’s passing. Take strength in knowing that her family was with her and she knew she was deeply loved. And from a daughter who cared for her dad to you, a daughter who cared for her mom, I know that you did the best for your mom that you could, never second guess that.



    Dear Elicia…..how fortunate for your Mom to have been surrounded by her family and all due to your loving intervention. This cancer does not play fair with us and I am so sorry to see someone as young as you having to become the caretaker and decision maker for your Mom. Peace to you and I am wishing for your heart to begin to heal…one day at a time.
    All my love,


    Dear Elicia,

    I am so sorry to hear of your Mom’s passing, however it sounds like it was peaceful and although it went so quickly, at least she did not have to suffer long and is no longer suffering from this horrible disease. She is at peace. She will always be with you in your heart & memories. My thoughts & prayers are with you & your family at this very sad time. Take care Elicia.

    Love & Hugs,


    Dear Elicia,
    How wonderfully you managed to care for your mom,bringing her back with you like that.My sincere condolences to you and your family.
    Kind regards Janet


    How are you holding up? You have been fighting this by your mothers side and I am sure it has taken its toll. I am so sorry for your loss but I am happy it seemed peaceful at the end. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.



    Elicia, we are so very sorry about your mom. Now she has found peace without
    pain and you must know how fortunate she felt to have you by her side through her journey. Mothers never really leave you know, she will always be watching over you and forever in your heart. Our prayers go out to you and your family.


    My mom passed last night surrounded by family. 11 days from the day they said chemo was no longer working. She had a paracentesis (spell) Friday night. She passed away at 11pm Sat. Yesterday morn she was vomiting and we began morphine drops, she stopped talking and began to sleep deeply…for the first time. Her entire family came and we said goodnight, and then she left us, no coma for days, she left her way.

    Thank you all for your support- Elicia


    Dear Elicia,

    I am so sorry that things are not going well for your Mom, but atleast now you have help. I think the most important thing is to keep her as comfortable & pain free as possible.

    Make the most of what time you have left with her and know that you are doing your best by her. We all know what you are going through and it isn’t easy for anyone, the patient or the care givers and family.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how things are going. We are all here for you.

    Your Mom, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love & Hugs,


    ok I guess I was signed on as my mom as I am using her computer…LOL the last post is from me Elib03 not victoria’s secret, that’s my mom. :)


    well hospice has started, even before we were “Medi Cal pending” you guys were right. Thank you! They are helpful. My mom wants another paracentesis (spell). Her hospice Dr, says it may shorten the time she has left, but she is so looking forward to it, not doing it would kill her spirits (it will be her 6th one). She is suffering, no matter how much meds we give her. Zofran or Zophran is a God send, the only med to keep her from throwing up all day and night. Not covered by hospice..of course! Why would it be:/ it’s like 50 bucks a pill, so we use them as our last hope. Thanks for all your well wishes, please keep her in your prayers. We are praying that her last journey be without pain and suffering! Thanks again, Elicia


    Your story sounds so familiar to my sister’s. I swear she suffered no matter how much medication we had.

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