What If My Insurance Company Refuses to Pay?

Discussion Board Forums Insurance What If My Insurance Company Refuses to Pay?

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    Our Lauren attended and passed on the following information:

    “When health insurance companies refuse to cover your medical claims, contact the Cancer Legal Resource Center, at 1-866-The-CLRC, http://www.cancerlegalresourcecenter.org. This free service will advise and guide you on how to complete internal and secondary external appeals to get your treatment costs reimbursed by your insurance. Health insurance companies often refuse patient’s claims for reasons that can be overturned by the appropriate appeals. Prior to contacting them, take a moment to answer the following questions; First, who exactly denied your care? For example, was it the physician, the medical group, or the health insurance company? Second, why did they cite you were denied care? Is it not a covered benefit, does it require a high copayment or is it part of a preexisting exclusion? Many treatments are mandated to be covered due to the new healthcare reform act and yet they are not, the CLRC and their legal appeal resources can help you determine the best way to get your cancer treatments covered when the insurance companies initially refuse to pay. CLRC can offer suggestions on how to keep your own medical notes and track conversations with the insurance companies so that you have the documentation you need to get the coverage you deserve for your cancer treatments.”

    Thank you, Lauren. for this great report.



    You are welcome. Our Laurin (works behind the scene for our foundation) has registered to attend. Hoping for encouraging news. We need it.


    Thanks for this, Marion. Will put it in our “back pocket”.


    From Cancer Legal Resource Center, webconference:


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