what if the metal stent don’t work???

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion what if the metal stent don’t work???

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    Good luck, Wendy – I’m rooting for you!!

    I popped into the chat room once but I’ve never used one before, so I sort-of slunk away again. I’ll pop back when I can, too. I’m on British Summer Time at the moment, which is GMT+1.

    Thanks for the quote – it’s lovely. I’m starting to collect quotes & that’s a great one to add to my collection.

    Julia :)


    Wendy…I agree. What time do you (generally) go on chat? We have a 3 hour time difference in the US (coast to coast) so, we need to figure out the difference between your time zone and ours.


    Gosh its nice to know I am already a survivour! that gives me a lot of inspriation and hope. I have taken six months off work to look after myself, lots of healty eating, mediation, telling the “thing” (as it is known in the household) that it is not welcome in my body and not welcome to come back from holidays. My ongologist looked at me as if I came from another planet when I told him this. We will see who is right him or me.

    Thought: Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain. Dont know who said that.

    Marion re the chat room. I just log on from time to time to see if anyone is there. As I live in what is know as a remote regional area in Far North Queensland we lack a lot of services and even my ongologist has to fly up once a month ( I count my self as lucky that I am the third person he is currently treating with cc and he has had others, maybe his prognosis is based on the others!!) . I just think the chat room is a really good way of keeping in contact and having someone to talk to, speically for those who don’t sleep too well. I would be happy to keep logged on and see if we can get it up and started again. Being new at this I could not offer much help but I feel that it is a really good way for people, including family and friends, to have access to others instantly.


    Lainy – a friend of my sister’s phoned her to say she & her boyfriend wanted to visit her in hospital but her boyfriend was ill with diagnosed swine flu, so she was going to tuck him up in bed & come on her own. Sis had to yell “NO!!! He may not be coming with you, but you’re still in the potentially infectious stage … DO-NOT-BRING-THIS-INTO-THE-HOSPITAL …”

    I think her friend was offended but the ward is still flu-free.




    Wendy……The chat room is to be used but, from what I have seen, it simply is not taken advantage of. All of us can change this. Let us know in advance when you like to chat and then anyone can join in. This may then start another great form of instant communication. Or, we can put out a subject to discuss in advance, set the time and date. Further consistent communication may then follow. Either way, yes, let’s chat.


    Wendy, my mom was not able to have any surgery. We were told that her cancer was to advanced and because of where the tumor was located she was not a canidate for it. :-( So she has done chemo and radiation and then of course all the stents.

    Hearing your story makes me see that people are survivors of this disease. You keep on fighting! Don’t let them dr’s tell you that you only have 2 years. FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!


    WOW! Wendy, you are already a survivor!! Like we say, no one was born with an expiration date on the bottom of their feet. We don’t listen to statistics and we are so exclusive that we pretty much listen more to each other than those who are supposed to know more. We have people who were given months and are here after 2 years. I think its a lot of nerve for anyone to tell you how long you have, who are they? Gods messengers! Not. You have a great attitude and I have a feeling there is no stopping you! Keep up the good work and keep us posted.


    Does anyone ever go into the chat room or am I just loggin wrong? Or maybe just because its 4am Australian time the rest of you all are asleep.

    I dont understand all this talk about stents, chemo etc. I was diagnosed on the 31st July and on the 1st August had a liver resection that included loosing all the right side, parts of the left and all the surrounding lymphnodes. Despite the fact that I have now had 2 liver speicalist, oncologist, surgeon and my GP tell me it will come back within 12 months and my life expectencancy is only 2 years, I refuse to believe a word they are saying. Maybe that is because I feel so well or maybe it just because I am one of those people who always go in the opposite direction to everyone else. who knows.

    I wish all you wonderful people all the best of luck am sending much love, peace, good vibes and prayers to you all.


    Thanks so much and back at you, Julia. I am finding some people so “dumb”.
    I decided that since I have less than 2 weeks to go I am not going to kiss anyone or shake hands as all our friends here and others are wishing me well with kisses and hand holding. This is flu season now and I don’t need that. SO what do I get? Shocked looks, like what is wrong with me??? Then a gal comes up to me in choir yesterday and says, Oh, wait, you will be on suppositories for 6 months. I wanted to say well, you need them more to get the s— out of your own system. Honestly I have not figured out what makes some people tick. It just makes me realize more and more the wonderful “family” we have here in our own tormented but hopeful world. Hope the sun is out for you today!


    NO WAY are you “silly”, Lainy!! You are WONDERFUL :). I send every best wish for your own surgery.


    Hi Jacque. They say patience is a virtue but not so in our case so don’t apologize for your impatience. I always want things done yesterday. That’s why I could never be a doctor….no patients (patience)! Dum, dum da dum dum.
    Bear with me as the closer I get to my surgery the sillier I become! I will try not to be so annoying. You are doing just fine and keep up the good attitude.


    Welcome, Jacque – this waiting & not knowing … & waiting some more is truly awful, isn’t it. I am so with you there!! My sister was due to have her plastic stents out & metal stents inserted today but she’s just texted me – they did the procedure this morning … but they can’t find the plastic stents!!

    My thoughts are with you & your mum.

    All the very best


    As you can all probably tell, I am NOT a very patient person. I just want her to look better and feel better now! And oh ya, want this cancer out of her!

    She is having blood work done on Monday and I plan to get a copy of the complete report. I also called today to get a copy of all of her ct scans, and the reports from the ERCP’ procedures. I have a very good friend that is a chemo nurse in Topeka, Kansas and she said that she might be able to help me understand what it all means….. she said I may not like the truth, but at least I would know what’s going on. Since I am constantly feeling like her dr.’s are vague.

    My mom’s bowels seem to be fine. Actually everything she eats runs right through her. She is now back to be nauseous in the evenings and mornings so is taking medicine for that too. I know that she drinks alot of water/tea/juice during the day as well.

    I am just hoping that the stent is working and like you all and the dr. has said it will just take awhile for the jaundice to go away. I PRAY that this is the case.

    This site is AMAZING! I have now learned that I can access it from my phone! So when I can’t sleep at night I get on and just read all the different posts. It’s help to ease my mind!!! So thank you to everyone on here that posts!


    Jacque……. Has your Mom given you permission to speak with the physicians involved? I would want to discuss the blood test results and the scan. I assume for both to be very recent. Does your Mom have regular bowel movements? You might want to add a stool softener (1/2 hour prior to her eating a meal) and you might want to encourage her to move around for at least 1/2 after she has eaten. Pain medication can be a major reason for her bowels to be sluggish. Also, how is your Mom’s fluid intake? It should consist of at least 1 liter per day; more is better. Hopefully, all symptoms will clear up within the next few days.
    All my best wishes coming your way,


    Hi Jacque, ditto to what Kris has said. Every time Teddy got “stented” he was very sore for a few days and he found that Tylenol helped. On the “yellow” part I told him I hoped it would leave quickly as I don’t like him in yellow! But it all takes time. One nurse explained it as ‘the skin has been tinted and new skin will change the color as it grows out.’ In the meantime perhaps they could give her something for the pain? Hang in!!!

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