what if the metal stent don’t work???

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion what if the metal stent don’t work???

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    Give it time. The area around the stent and incision need to heal. When I was impatient about my yellow color, my doctor informed me that I did not get yellow in a day and it would take just as long for me to loose my color as it did to gain it.

    Hope your mother feels better soon.



    This past Monday my mom had a metal stent put in. After 5 plastic stents the dr. said that hopefully the metal stent would be the answer. Due to the location of the tumor they made a small incision in the side of her bile duct to place the metal stent. Now every time my mom eats she says that it hurts down in her belly, by her liver. The dr said this is common and will go away in a few days. She is also still VERY jaundice, which the dr also said will go away in a few days. Well today is 3 days later and none of it has gone away. UGH! Our concern/worry is that the metal stent will not work either… which means??? Well really, what does that mean? If the bile is not draining what will happen?

    Have I mentioned that CANCER sucks?!


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