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    Joshless… I am sorry to hear about your mom. I was 27 when I started treatment and my radiation oncologist flat out told me he was fixing to “kick my butt” but it worked! I did 3 weeks of high dose radiation twice a day (7am & 2pm) along with continuous chemo (hooked up through my port mon-fri) afterwards I got 2 weeks off then I got a dose of high dose radiation through brachi therapy once a week for 3 weeks. At this point my CT showed my tumor had shrank enough for resection surgery. I’m not sure where she is getting treatment at but I went to Cancer Treatment Centers of America and at every appt with my oncologist I also met with a nutritionist and naturiopath dr which I found really helpful. You might try to get in contact with a nutritionist to see what healthy snacks they could suggest. It’s been over a year since I was in treatment but I always remember her mentioning peanut butter… Something you might try. Hope things get better for her and let me know if you need any more info!


    Amazing news!! I don’t think I could WALK a 5K race!! And after a resection?? Unbelievable! Tell her she is my hero!


    Hi Daisy,

    Thanks for the update on your mum and wow!! A 5k run 8 weeks after her resection, that is amazing and great to hear!! Brilliant news as well that her resection went well also. Your mum really is amazing in so many ways! Thanks for sharing your mums good news with us and I hope for her recovery to continue as smoothly too.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,



    Daisy…you have one unstoppable Mom. I too am impressed with her 5 K run, Superwoman comes to mind. Unlike it is the case for other cancers, to this date there is no hard data demonstrating that adjuvant therapy is beneficial. We are awaiting the results of some studies by next year. However; the majority of physicians prescribe form or another type of chemotherapy, post resection. I assume your Mom’s oncologist will discuss things with her in detail.


    WHAT? Mom ran in a 5K and came in 3rd? That is awesome! OMG she must be some warrior. I don’t know, Daisy, the chemo question to do or not to do is one of the toughest. I would simply ask the ONC what could happen with the chemo vs not. They can give some idea to perhaps help Mom with the decision. But this was indeed amazing news today! Please let us know what is decided.


    Hello all,

    Needed to add some good news to the group. My mom had her resection 8 weeks ago and is off of all pain meds for the past 5 weeks and just ran a 5k this past Saturday. She was not too happy with her time but like I always say just be happy you finished and did not come in last. She actually placed 3rd. Chemo starts next week….still wondering if she should do it?? It seems all the research says it does not work?? Her quality of life is getting back to normal hate to see chemo take that away from her if there is no evidence that it works?

    Any thoughts??


    joshlee….How many calories is your Mom consuming? When you mention that she can’t eat – does it mean that she is not hungry? Does food cause her to vomit?
    Please explain more.
    Thanks and hugs,


    If she can drink, then Ensure, Carnation Breakfast Drink and add protein power will be one way to boost your mom’s energy; otherwisr talk to a GI doctor for advise of other kind of nutrition support such TPN if you really want to go that route.
    God bless.


    Hey everyone, I wanna say thanks in advance for any responses!

    My mom was diagnosed with this disease around March. Since then she has been on gem/cis for around 9 rounds. Within that time we have taken 4 CT scans which showed growth of tumor in her liver from 1st and 2nd scan, but shrinkage from 2nd and 3rd scan. The 4th scan showed little growth from the 3rd scan so our doctor took her off of it. Now she is on FOLFIRINOX if I remember correctly and has had 2 rounds to date.

    Because the tumor is pressing on her liver she has trouble eating which is causing her to lose a lot of weight. I am pretty sure her lack of eating is what caused the chemo to not be as effective.

    I was wondering what you all had success with. Thanks again

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