What’s the worst that could happen?

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion What’s the worst that could happen?

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    Yoga sounds great but I also recommend Pilates, I have dabbled in it and even though I don’t really do anything except the leg circles with any regularity, my trunk is very solid and it has helped my back problems.

    It is similar to yoga but concentrates more on the trunk, which I saw was so important when my mom had her surgery. You need legs after surgery but you need trunk strength to swing your legs around to get out of bed in the first place and she didn’t have that.

    The method was developed by Joseph Pilates, in part for those who were ill, see:




    Actually, I think I’m a bit mental. Any person in their right mind would probably say, “you know, my body is telling me I need a break.” I’m sure it does, but when I take a week off or get a reduced dosage, my CA19-9 goes up, and that freaks me out. So, my doc gives me chemo instead of telling me to take a Xanax and relax.

    Frankly, at this point I think I’m more in danger of a broken bone or something – Harmony starts yoga this week! I’m hoping it’ll give me some muscle tone back and help with my terrible balance lately. I’ll update yall on how well that is going when I go to the hospital to get my arm casted or some other nonsense.

    As my kid would say (as he’s running around the house in underoos and a Buzz Lightyear costume), “to infinity….and beyond!”


    You not only permeate the air with your up attitude you also permeate the air with baking bread! You are awesome!



    I have spent some time on your blog and I am so inspired by you! You are a bulldozer, full speed ahead is the only speed you know! Yes, stay away from the knives and happy bread baking!



    Sooo, today is treatment 11 of the 12 ordered of my Folfox. My platelets are scary low – 40k this morning. My nurses are mad at me because I made my oncologist give me the juice anyway. Full speed ahead! I look at this as a positive – I’ll put my husband in charge of dinner all this week, and I won’t use a knife.

    I’ll probably go through cooking withdrawal, so maybe I’ll do some more baking this weekend. Jacking around with dough is just so relaxing to me…I love the smell of bread dough as it’s rising.

    Hope everyone is well today!!

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