Where has Andy’s list gone ?

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  • #56408

    Andie…It appears that we lost Andy’s posting. I have e-mailed him and hope that he will respond.
    As soon as I hear, I will pass on the information.
    Hugs and love,


    Hi Jemima,

    Lovely to see a post from you again, and even more lovely to hear your Mom is doing so well. I often wonder how she is doing.

    I have looked for Andy’s link and I too can’t find it. His story was also in the Good News section but the link is coming up out of date? Like Marion said type Andy in the search engine and it will bring up the option to email him.

    Take care

    Andie x


    sharon….prior to each treatment your Mom’s blood levels should be checked. A too low red blood count would prevent her receiving chemotherapy.
    Is your Mom drinking tons of fluids? (It will help flush the system of the chemotherapy.) And, is she staying somewhat active?
    How is her caloric intake? Something you might also want to watch for.
    Make sure to mention everything to her physician. Hopefully our other great members will join in and share their thoughts with us also.
    All my best wishes,


    I saw a posting by Jemima. I am happy about your Mom. My Mom just started chemo and she’s tired. I need to check as I thought steriods were given with treatment. I am not sure what they are suppose to do. I want my Mom to maintain weight. I asked about vitamins; the oncologist office said as long as she’s eating good…..they did say give her Boost which I did. Is there any time one can get a treatment and not feel tired? Good thing the treatment is every other week. My other concern is that Mom’s been anemic for a number of years and I hope this does not get worse with treatment. I would like to avoid transfusions if that’s possible. Thanks to all listening and helping me.


    Hi Jemima, it’s so good to see you again! It is also great to hear your Mum is doing good. Not sure about Andy’s list but on the Discussion Board Topics go to Nutrition and see if there is any help in that listing. Wishing for you Mum to keep up the good work!


    How wonderful to hear that your Mom is doing so well. That is fantastic.
    Our website had to be updated. Unfortunately it caused a few glitches and for some reason some of our Andi’s postings became lost.
    Andi is such a regular visitor on this site and I am hopeful that she will find this however, if by any chance she does not please, feel free to e-mail her.
    You may find her address by scrolling all the way down – below IP number – to email.
    Good luck and again I am thrilled to hear from you.
    All my best wishes,


    Hi everyone

    It’s been ages since I have been on here as life has been just crazy recently but it’s good to be back and see so many familiar faces.

    A quick update on Mum – she is doing really well ! She is about to start chemo again at the end of January which is 14 months after her last dose. She seemed to have a reduction in the tumour after the last session but since then it has started to grow again, although they think very slowly. She is currently on no meds and living a normal life, but maybe a little more slowly than before. Not bad for 23 months post diagnosis.

    Anyway, she has lost the list of vits/minerals etc that Andy posted and I can’t seem to find it again on here. Does anyone have a copy ? Mum stopped taking it all a few months back and she is sure this is why she is feeling tired and wants to start again.

    Sending my best wishes to everyone who remembers me

    Jemima x

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