Why didn’t I come here EIGHT months ago??!

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Why didn’t I come here EIGHT months ago??!

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  • #4960

    Hi everyone,

    I am the caregiver for my very loving and sweet husband, who was diagnosed with CC in September of last year, shortly after his 40th birthday.

    We are in the process of doing on/off oral chemo, waiting for a liver transplant. Right now life is tough… I want to say that cancer does not rule our lives, but the truth is, it is a major player right now.

    We live in South Dakota and are being treated at Mayo Clinic (they ROCK!). Right now we are on the evaluation of our third potential liver donor.

    I have lots of stories to share and lots to read- I feel like I shoud’ve reached out months ago. This is a time when I truly need some lifting up, education and friends. I am so happy to find this website (again) and to join you in your chats and support!

    Nice to meet you,

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