Why is it always something??

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Why is it always something??

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    fightingformom….Your Mom should qualify for compassionate use. I believe that most pharmaceutical companies offer this program. The annual income may not exceed $75 thousand. FOLFOX consists of a combination of FOL


    Try to appeal the decision against folfox-it is a common treatment for cc and I dont quite understand how they could not cover it.

    As to the hip pain, I used to get all sorts of pains in my hip and rib bones. We finally figured out that it was likely the result of how I now walk and sleep. Because of cancer and surgical pains, I no longer hold my body the same way and it is likely causing stress on other areas. Ask your mom if she could be possibly doinig this.

    As to getting tired of fighting….ALL PATIENTS (I dont care how positive you are) will have these moments. The treatments themselves are tiring, but the emotional stress is equally bad if not worse. It can really wear you down. I have often thought of throwing in the towel after something seemingly mild such as3 doctors appointments in a week just pushed me over the edge. I think I felt like I was living for cancer, not living with cancer. I got through that with the help of my every wonderful husband who tried to make things “fun” and focusing on stuff I could do. For example, we went to movies because all I needed to do was sit. I planted stuff in the garden after Hans did all the hard work…again a job I could do sitting. Taking back part of who I was before gave me the strength to fight some more. Think of those things to do for and with your mom. LIVING is important in the fight.



    Dear Fightingformom,

    I can relate to point 4. My Dad was diagnosed in April after being jaundiced for 2 months. We are still no further forward intreatment plans has his bilirubin keeps going up to much to have Chemo due to stent infentions. Dad too has said he is fed up and sick of it all, which is a worry as he was so positive at the beginning.

    I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Best wishes


    Ok so we got pretty good news last week.. moms cancer in the bile duct, lymph nodes and liver is in remission. Great. Then we got the BUT.. met on the lung is looking like it could be flaring up so they referred her to a specialist who treats that. Along with this, they put a port in because she will need more chemo and the kind she would need requires a port. So heres the issues:

    1. Doctors arent sure if the met on the lung is from the Bile Duct cancer or if its a new cancer all together so now they have scheduled a lung biopsy to determine what they are dealing with.

    2. Chemo that was recommended is Folfox (sp??) and of course is not covered under her insurance so it would cost $8,000 every two weeks!! Yea right, my parents are on a fixed income and do not have that kind of money so now they are applying for financial aid to see if they can get come kind of help. (My mom is sooo freaked out about this because shes afriad they will get denied and she wont be able to get treated)

    3. Her hip is hurting her for the past three weeks. Shes terrified that now the cancer spread to her bones. Im trying to reassure her that she just had a full body scan last Thursday and there was nothing there but shes afriad. Does anyone know if chemo can cause achy bones??

    4. Shes getting tired of the fight.. she scared me tonight when I spoke to her. She said she cant take it anymore, she doesnt want to do this anymore.. shes got a ton of appointments coming up and shes just exhausted. I dont even know what to say anymore. Its been a rollarcoaster but I keep telling her not to give up. Shes almost there and she just needs to hang in there.. shes fighting the fight and doing great.. but everytime we get some good news.. its always followed by something bad.. so frustrating and hard to watch it.

    Anyway, sorry im rambling on and on. I know you all know what I feel right now so im just asking for some prayers for my mom..please. I pray for everyone on this board and just ask God to watch over us all and keep us strong and heal our bodies.. In Jesus name.. Amen!!

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