why x-ray with MRI

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    It is great for you two to exchange ideas and experiences.Great for us supporters too Janet


    Kathy, after writing the above message, I went to your other sites (I did not know about this until you mentioned that you had read others from me). So I see that your CA-19 has never gotten as high as mine started out with in July.
    I was at 2000 when I was diagnosed. I must get to bed and try to get some rest.


    Kathyb, it does sound like we have a lot in common. I, too, feel good but I have lost 30 pounds since July, 09. I know some of it has been my diet of mainly fruits and vegetables. I do eat fish and chicken but only a bite or two of red meat and pork. I try to eat asparagus or spinach or broccoli at least 5 days a week I have been drinking a “green drink” every day and now I have started to add a protein drink because of the weight loss. But even with this diet, it isn’t keeping my cancer count from going up. Last month the CA-19-9 test was up to 6400 and the CEA test was 5.3. What are your numbers?
    My diet might be helping the other blood tests as they look like a healthy person’s test. I did not have a port when I took the chemo last time for I had good veins, but it always took two or three tries before they could get the needle in. I did not want a port for like you said, there is a chance of infection. I know someone who thought he was going to die and they finally found out he had an infection because of the port. Is the PICC line the tube going under the skin to the port? Have you talked to anyone about brachytherapy? I talked to a doctor from UCLA last Thursday and he did not have all of my CT scans at that time, but I am suppose to talk to him tomorrow and find out if I would be a candidate for the treatment. If my next blood test in a couple of weeks has not gone down and the CT scan shows more growth, it means more chemo will start.
    I am so glad that I found this board for there is so much information here.
    Marion, you have been so helpful with all the information you have passed on.
    I will let you know what I find out tomorrow about the brachytherapy.



    I just looked up a some of your posts and discovered we have a lot in common.

    My diagnose of bile duct cancer came in July 09. My tumor is inoperable, not a candidate for liver transplant, have been told to eat anything and everything I wanted by one of my doctors, and “it is amazing to me how good I feel even though I have this awful cancer, but I believe it is my faith in God and all my friends who are praying for me.”

    Now the doctor hasn’t told me to gain weight :o) I could loose 20 pounds and still be fine. I do eat four long stalks of canned asparagus twice a day. This was an internet cure – false – but I figured it couldn’t hurt. I also eat 3-4 prunes a day and basically lots of other fiber foods. If I didn’t have this diagnosis (and a little chemo brain) I would still think I was healthy, like I have always been. My doctors did not expect me to do this good.

    I do not want a port because I want to feel as normal as possible. I hated the PICC line but had to have one as I had 24/7 FU chemo with radiation last fall. (It was nice that they could use it for blood tests). I have asked a chemo nurse if I would have to have a port with chemo about once a week and he said,”No, not if you have good veins.” Then he looked at my veins and said they were good.” My Mayo doctors say I’m not a candidate for other therapy (beads and photo, I think) because I am too high risk for infection. I’ve had two bacterial blood infections. It seems to me that a port would be an entrance for infection, adding a little higher risk. (This is just my own rationalization). I’ve also read that some ports hurt. I do understand that many people love their ports. Never know what life will bring. I may end up being one of those people who love their port, but not now.



    Hi Kathyb and Marions,
    I saw my oncologist today and after my next blood test and CT scan in two weeks, it looks like I will be having chemo, again. He said this time I would have gemzar and cisplatin. Last time I had only the gemzar along with the radiation.
    Kathyb, a chest X-ray was ordered for me last month along with my CT scan.
    He did not say why.
    The doctor did say he wanted me to gain weigh before I start chemo, again, and he said for me to have a port for it would be much easier. Kathyb, why do you not want one? After being stabbed so many times last time trying to find a vein, I am willing to try something else.


    All are good reasons, Kathy.
    Best wishes,


    I’m not sure. Maybe because he knows I don’t want one. I did not like the PICC line. I asked him if I would have to have one and he said no.


    Why is he not recommending a port?


    My oncologist is recommending gezmar and cisplatin. He’s not mentioned Xeolda.


    kathy….my husband also needed a chest x-ray before the start of chemotherapy. I think that this is standard procedure. Is your oncologist recommending Xeloda? It is taken orally.
    Best wishes,


    My next 3 month appointment is May 12th. With the usual blood work and MRI they’ve scheduled a chest x-ray. The only time I’ve had chest x-rays was when a PICC line was placed for chemo, thought I had pneumonia, or had stomach pains (turned out to be constipation – a bit embarrassing but it seems my first thought of anything wrong is, “It’s the cancer.”

    I have told the oncologist I will start chemo after my May appt. He told me I would not need to have to have a PICC line or port.

    Any ideas what a chest x-ray would be for?

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