
Discussion Board Forums Grief Management WidowNet.Org

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    Prayers to the person at your company who has this devastating cancer and I would like to say how kind it is that you are attempting to raise funds to help out. What a truly unselfish gesture. Thank you for your input to try and help people dealing with grief management of one form or the other.



    A person at our company has this form of cancer and we are raising funds for him and his family.

    I came to your site and saw the Grief Management topic. My wife and I have both been through the hell of losing a spouse. Her husband died of bladder cancer in 2000 and my wife died of pneumonia in 2000.

    We were on opposite sides of the country and both happened onto http://www.widownet.org or WN as we call it. First let me say that WN is NOT a relationship/dating site in any way shape or form. It is a group of about 10,000 people from around the world that have all gone through or are going through the trials that you are experiencing right now. There is also a subforum for those whose spouses are in their final stages.

    This is just an open invitation to drop by and look around the site. I have nothing to do with the management of the site and there are no ads etc. on the site and no fees of any kind. We’re just all here together trying to get through.

    I am TimH and my wife is dianad on WN so if you come by drop us a line.

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