Will chemo be delayed due to low grade fever and elevated WBC?

Discussion Board Forums Chemotherapy & More Will chemo be delayed due to low grade fever and elevated WBC?

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    My Mom has been having low grade temperature (37.6 – 38C) for almost a week now. To make her feel better, she takes Ibuprofen 200 mgs as needed (is this the correct drug of choice if someone has a fever? Or maybe, Tylenol?). I was able to take a peek on her lab results last week and today, it was 12. + and now 13.+. It is elevated, right? She is scheduled to have a port placed tomorrow and very first dose of chemotherapy (Cisplatin and Gemcitabine) on Monday. With the elevated WBC and low grade fever, is it safe for her to proceed with the port placement and chemotherapy? I’m thinking anti-biotics as soon as possible. Will chemo be delayed because of these factors?

    @PCL – Thanks for your advise. It seems like Y-90 has a higher success rate in shrinking tumor/s, I wonder why my Mom’s oncologist opted for systemic chemotherapy first. I wonder if he’s aware that there’s a 2-4 week “rest period” needed in between…

    Thanks in advance.

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