Will chemo be worth it?

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    Hi Emma,

    I wish I could help you with this decision that your mum has to make but my dad never had chemo so I can’t really help too much on this issue. He was offered chemo or PDT after his diagnosis, his cc was deemed inoperable so he chose to have quality of life over quantity for the time that he had left and felt that the PDT would be abetter choice for him rather than chemo.

    This choice is one that is tough for someone to make and my own thoughts are that the person making the choice should do whatever they feel is right for them. I said that to my dad at the time and told him that I would support him in whatever choice he made, and I did support his decision totally.

    Chemo can be stopped at any time should your mum start it then chose to stop, it is totally her decision no matter what she has signed up to. Maybe you could try and speak with the onc on your own if your mum agrees to that so that you can ask all of the questions that you want without your mum being there? Just thinking out loud here.

    I know this is such a tough time for you right now Emma, I was where you are now with my dad too so I know what you are going through. Keep coming back here, we are here for you.




    Emma.. as mentioned by you, just because you have agreed doesn’t mean that you have to go through with it. Patients do have a choice in this matter.
    I believe that you need to speak with the oncologist. Be honest and share your thoughts and fears. Only then will you be assured to have made the best decision possible. Also, please remember that your Mom can opt out of chemo anytime. Again, patients do have a choice in this matter.
    Thinking of you.


    Hi sorry to hear about your husband, my mum is 59, otherwise healthy apart from having CC the onc said they had ruled surgery out and only treatment available is metal stent that she has had put it then to start chemo in the next two weeks we have agreed to go ahead but I’m petrified we have agreed and we have made the wrong choice even though we don’t have to go ahead as mum seems not to bad at the min, yeah if you don’t mind can u send me the list that would be great thanks again :-)


    Dear Emma, the only thing I can relate to you is that you might want to talk to the ONC and ask him/her to give you an estimate as we never know for sure, on life with and without chemo. It just seems that chemo does not take lives but does not give quality of life. How old is your Mom? My husband got CC at 73 and had so many treatments and surgeries (no chemo) and did make it to 78. His quality of life was not compromised too much except from the CC. He asked the ONC, “If I was your father would you do Palliative Chemo?” The ONC said no. While members on our CC site do not believe we were born with expiration dates the ONC hit it right on. We asked him how long with Chemo and how long without and he said it would buy Teddy a month. Teddy felt it was not worth the side effects and as usual it is the patients decision.
    Now keep in mind everyone is different, younger people have better chances. Our Duke is an amazing man with an awesome attitude. Like he said, I have a list of 10 signs before the end. Teddy followed the list pretty closely. I would email the list if you are ready for it. The end was not scary for me at all as I feel the more one knows what to expect the more ready you become. Wishing the best for you and your Mom.


    I’m a patient. When I was first diagnosed, my onc said if I did not take chemo I would be dead in six months. Surgery and radiation treatments were not options. Since then I got a second opinion on treatments. And I’ve gone to a third onc who has experience in treating CC. My first onc had no more treatment options but the second one has at least two.

    I’ve been doing chemo since July 2013. For now I’m fighting as hard as I can. I also realize there will come a time to recognize that my treatment options are gone. And I will have to deal with that , talking with my wife. In my case chemo was the best answer.

    As for the prognosis, contact Lainy. She has a list of knowing when the end is near and will be happy to send it to you.



    Hi my mum has got terminal CC she has been givien an option to have chemo to slow it down, she signed the consent form to go ahead but now I can’t stop thinking it’s the wrong decision, waking up through the night crying and searching on my phone if it’s a wrong idea or good. My mum is still feeling not to bad she is however rifting a lot and slowly starting to struggle eatting and tires easily but she try’s her best not to let it get her down. If she gets chemo I’m wondering if it will kill her quicker then not having it atal? Can anyone please give me there opinion on what worked best for them, I also don’t no how long she has left as she didn’t want to no the prognosis at the clinic on Thursday, thanks Emma.

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