Wondering in New Jersey

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    Thanks Jeff and North Jersey is beautiful at that time of year and usually the temp is just right ( even for those of us whose bodies don’t know whether to shake or sweat) just bring your warm socks. I have an aunt and uncle up there too, Let me know when it gets closer maybe our families could get together… talk to ya soon…Sarah


    Hi Sarah d … Three years of about 7-8 different chemo regimens and a couple courses of radiation I can atest that nueropathy is one culprit to consider. I have the same situation with hot and cold but no headaches. I keep my security blanket and hospital socks handy. ( which was for sure added to my hospital bill.) My feet can get ice cold at times. My wife screams out when I do a touch test to hear feet. Ha! ain’t I cruel ? Since stoppping the platinum base chemos thing have gradually got better but still plenty of nerve damage. Anxiety is another one. Also, once I was having chills then fever thinking it was chemo and cc related and it turned out to be a sinus infection. If they continue I would ask for a cbc and metabolic blood test to see wear your wbc and hemoglobin levels are at. I like Marion’s suggestion especially about weakness. A heated blanket definitely of a long period will cause dehydration and weakness especially in the morning when you get up. You have like totally relaxed you muscles to like ah, I have no energy.
    Ride it out and relax and calmed the emotion for a few days. IF you actually start a temp then test for low grade infection maybe. If this is happening at night when try to go to sleep, I take clonezapam 1mg tablet 15 minutes before bed if I’m wide awake 1 hour later I take another and night night.
    Also a major surgery is quite a traumatic event. I was quite a case after mine. I felt very invaded and emotional drained. It took a good four months for me to turm things around. I started by just sitting in my truck and backing out to check the mail and back in again. Then listen to the radio. Weird hey. I’m saying all of us that have been through this have had a little post truamatic stress but works itself out pretty quickly if you keep focused on some short term goals. By the way I have relatives in Greewood lake NY/NJ. I’t’s in October another wedding, Might be a bit nippy for me. We’ll see? Cost of fuel, cost of hotel, cost of food my my! Probally will have to pass on this one.

    Bless Ya Sarah !
    P.S. I,m sorry I forgot your a nurse, Just watch your vitals You can take it from there. If you think the doc needs to check you out.


    Thanks Marion, you are right it does just need to take its course. I’ve been given migraine meds that did no good and I don’t always get a headach and its never bad. I didn’t start till after my surgery and I am not on any meds so it cant be a reaction. I’ve tracked it though and stress and dehydration seem to play a part. Thank you so much for your input, Its nice to know that someone knows what I’m talking about.


    Sara, my husband (and many others on this site) have experienced these shakes. It was explained to us that the deadened nerve endings are responsible for this occurrence. Wrapping up in warm blankets, and letting it take its course seemed to be most effective. You might also want to use the search function by entering “chills” or “shakes” in order to find more explanations for this occurence. Others may also have some answers.


    I’m trying to think of the medication that gave Scott such severe headaches. You might want to talk to a pharmacist about the meds you are taking and see if there are any that interact, or are notorious for this side effect.

    Welcome to the group, by the way. I hope you feel better soon.

    God Bless,



    I was just wondering if anyone else has experience this, my doctors told me it’s migraine but I never really have a bad headach. It usually happens at night I wake up shaking, my whole body. I’m freezing no matter what the temp it lasts 1 -3 hours, I end up with a heated blanket wearing my bathrobe socks and extra blankets, then I finally fall back to sleep and wake up sweating, I’m usually very weak from this and If its a work day (I’m a nurse) I call out because I’m too tired and weak to work. Anyone have any ideas? Could it be from chemo or radiation or from the CC itself?

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