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    Welcome, Joey!! My sister’s on Gem/Cis, like Kris, so I don’t have any knowledge of Xeloda. It was great to hear Kristin’s experience & I hope it works for your dad, too.


    Lainy wrote:
    Welcome Joseph to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join. I can’t help you with the chemo as my husband, Teddy cannot use it, he can only do radiation or cyber knife but I am sure someone on our wonderful site will chime in. Can you give us a bit more information like where the CC is? Is it in his liver or the bile duct. Where are you located? My first suggestion would be to read up as much as you can from some of our posts. Go to the upper right of the page and just put in any subject and past posts will pop up for you, then make a list of questions for the doctor. If he cannot satisfy you with his answers you may want a second opinion. Come here as often as you want to vent, ask or advise. You never have to apologize!

    HI lAINY thanks for your concern. My father has it in the bile ducts and he is from central Jersey. We went to Sloan Kettering for the initial visit but the doctor said that he could be treated at centerstate in freehold. This is both an emotional and scary ride. thank you for all your help. I will defenitely be using this site. Joey


    Dear Kristin,

    Thank you for this information I will pass it on to my family. Knowing that it was successful for someone is encouraginging to me.

    Thank You


    Dear Joey,

    In 2006 I had Xeloda in combination with radiation treatments for 7 weeks, with very good results. The combination shrunk my tumors, and they have not grown in three years, though they are still there.

    Wishing all the best to you and your father!



    Hi Joey,

    Welcome to the site, although I am sorry that you have to be here. I can’t help you regarding Xeloda as my dad has not had chemo but I just wanted to stop by and welcome you. Venting any concerns, anger or frustration is a good thing so vent away! And asking any and all questions is also good so if you do have any then please ask and I’m certain there will be someone who can help.

    My best wishes to you and your dad.



    My first regime was xeloda and oxilplatin. I never got threw up from the cocktail and usually had good energy. It did cause severe diarreah (why can I never remember how to spell that word!) which caused dangerous dehydration and terrible body salt levels which in turn caused a couple of hospital stays. That all sounds very dramatic, but it wasnt too bad. I did not loose my hair. The other side effect was terrible pain and peeling in my hands and feet that would clear up if I was very diligent about massaging them and slathering them in lotion and wearing socks. I lost my fingerprints from the treatment (they are back now.) I told my husband I should go on a crime spree since my fingerprints were gone, but he convinced me that I was shedding so much skin, my dna would be everywhere. How disappointing my chance at a criminal record was cruelly taken from me. :)

    This cocktail didnt work for me and now I am on gemzar and cisplatin which I find incredibly easy. That said, we have another member who didnt respond to gemzar cisplatin and switched to xeloda and has had fantastic results.

    The problem with this chemo thing is that nobody knows who will respond to what treatment. Some people are lucky and respond to all the protocols, some just one, and some unfortunately respond to none. I dont feel any side effects from my new chemo, but my friends mom had the same chemo and it wiped her out and she had to stop taking it. You just never know until you try.



    Hi Joseph,

    Let me join in welcoming you to this site. I only joined recently yet I have benefitted so much from the collective knowledge, wisdom and support that I have found here. I can’t comment on Xeloda but the search function was extremely helpful in helping my mom get a diagnosis for a side effect of CC and subsequent treatment to help her.

    I’ll be thinking of you and your father


    Hello Joseph..Xeloda (Capecitabine) has been used by many members on this site. As Lainy has mentioned, you may read up on the many postings regarding Xeloda by using the search function on the top of page either, right hand side (google function) or, you may use the “Search Function” in the middle top of page. Simply, enter the word Xeloda (no author needed) and many conversations will appear. You may do the same with “Diabetic” or, “Ascities”. I hope for others to come forward and share their experiences with you especially, those who have family members with both diseases.
    I am glad that you have found us. You will receive much support and understand that you are not alone in this world of Cholangiocarcinoma.
    All my best wishes,


    Welcome Joseph to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join. I can’t help you with the chemo as my husband, Teddy cannot use it, he can only do radiation or cyber knife but I am sure someone on our wonderful site will chime in. Can you give us a bit more information like where the CC is? Is it in his liver or the bile duct. Where are you located? My first suggestion would be to read up as much as you can from some of our posts. Go to the upper right of the page and just put in any subject and past posts will pop up for you, then make a list of questions for the doctor. If he cannot satisfy you with his answers you may want a second opinion. Come here as often as you want to vent, ask or advise. You never have to apologize!


    Hi I am new to this web sight. I have a situation within my family that my father was diagnosed with cancer in the liver ducts. He has been on Gamzir with Platinol for several months now and seems to be goin nowhere. He recently started retaining water in his stomach (ASCITS) and is on the verge of having it pumped out for the second time in about two weeks. They pumped out about 4 liters the first time. My father is 69 and a diabetic. All those who are affected with this or have someone they love knows it is a difficult time. He has had pet scan but the doctors are unsure how much the tumors grew from the first time. He is being put on Xeloda which is the pill version of chemo. If anyone is familiar with this drug or with my fathers situation I would greatly appreciate any help we can get. Thank you all for allowing me to vent my concern. Joseph Costa

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