Xeloda symptoms?

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    Christine, thinking of you as your road has been long and bumpy. You have really done so much to keep your health up from special diet, exercise, rest, etc. and should be proud. Praying your CT scan went well and you’ve had success with the Xeloda, despitre its awful side effects. How are you doing? Have you tried Nystatin mouth rinse for yeast inf (the one you swish with, then swallow)?


    Thanks all my names Christine btw :). Some of the symptoms died down with my week off. Pam I use bag balm for the hands and feet its a bit greasy and smelly but it helps and for nausea and reflux I notice if I eat really healthy and don’t cheat that it helps a lot sometimes even just soup. Also when I have the energy I try to do a little bit on the treadmill or exercise at a low pace it really helps with digestion. Although sometimes we just feel like being in bed all day! I try to fight it when I can.


    Lost Soul,

    I feel so bad for all you are going through. I will pray for good scan results.


    Hi lost soul,

    My daughter, Lauren takes Xeloda and it is the hardest chemo for her to deal with. She gets body aches, sore, red feet, nausea, and not much appetite. Her PA told her to take Compazine for nausea half an hour before taking the Xeloda and it has helped. She was taking Compazine when she got nauseous, not before and it didn’t help then. Sorry you are having such a hard time with things and I hope you can get it figured out.



    lostsoul…you are welcome. I hope for you to feel better real soon. (Like yesterday.)


    They prescribed me a mouth wash. I hope it works cause half my face on the inside feels swollen! If it doesn’t work I will try that one thank you


    lostsoul…are you able to purchase the line of mouth products called “Biotene”. It comes as toothpaste, mouthwash etc?
    Also rinsing mouth with soda water frequently for a few days worked as well as salt or baking soda solutions.


    Oh the over the counter is only for the yeast infection. All the other symptoms I have prescribed stuff. some work and some only just help but It could always be worse. I have another ct scan tomorrow so I hope it’s good cause I’m tired of switching chemo! And thanks for the well wishes hope all is good! :)


    I am so sorry to hear about all your side effects. I can’t answer that but what bothers me is that you are told to take over the counter stuff with all the effects going on. Have you told your ONC what is happening? I believe there is something for all the effects. The yeast infections are the worst! Again, I would put a call in to the ONC. Best of luck, you have enough to contend with!


    The first couple of weeks were okay but then I started to get bad acid reflux nausea loose stool stomach cramps yeast infections styes mouth sores. I feel like there’s a new symptom every week and on topof the chemo I have to take all these extra pills for the side effects is this normal? Some people say they don’t get many symptoms. But I don’t want to switch chemo cause nothing is working and the only thing they have left for me is a clinical trial which I can’t partake in because of my celiac disease! Does anyone else experience these symptoms? I took a pill for the yeast infection and it came back. I guess cause of the chemo it will keep coming back. I never read anywhere that yeast infections were a symptom of xeloda. I haven’t been on antibiotics since may so its not that either. So uncomfortable my family doctor said just take over the counter stuff but it keeps coming back!

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