Yay! Lauren gets to have chemo.

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working Yay! Lauren gets to have chemo.

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    Pam, I sat down here with a bag of sweet potato chips and went through the pictures one by one. You are so very blessed to have such a wonderful and beautiful family. I am so glad you are sharing all of them with us. Look at all the Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, Brothers and Sisters Lauren has now acquired! Love has no boundries!



    I rounded them all up for a picture. I also took a “before” shot of Ryan the other night. Just go to Lauren’s Caring Bridge site to see them. When you get there click on photos. I will leave you the link. http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/laurenkunklier

    Take care. Love-Pam


    Hi Pam, I am so happy that all went well and I think we need to see a picture of the new hair cuts. Now you can have a great and well deserved weekend. Stay warm!


    Thanks everyone for your wonderful words of encouragement. We are home now. We got home yesterday at around 5pm. Lauren is doing great. She is usually really tired after chemo, but this time she seems to have a little more energy. She decided she needed yet another haircut. Her new short pixie cut was getting too thin. So last night her boyfiend, Giovanni, (he is also a barber) cut her hair even shorter. It is closer to her head. Kind of looks like baby hair. She likes it much better. The best news is my son, Ryan, (aka Wolverine) finally broke down and got all his hair cut off to support Lauren. My handsome boy is back! Gio is getting his hair cut short tonight. My husband, Mark, is getting his cut short next week. He has to film some training videos for his company next week and didn’t want to have a shaved head for that.

    Margaret- You have to be one of the sweetest people. Offering us a place to stay if the weather is bad. I just love you. Unfortunately, we are not anywhere near Green Bay, but thank you so much. We live in Uniontown, Ohio , near Canton, Ohio. An hour away from Cleveland. It is 200 miles to Michigan. (A little over 3 hrs. each way.) I am praying that things get easier for you.

    Thanks again, everyone. I don’t know what I would do without you.



    Pam: Please let Lauren know that we are with her in her journey! Tom is watching from Heaven and I’m praying for her down here on earth. Have a safe trip to Michigan! How long is the trip from Ohio? Do you drive there? Where in Michigan does she go for her treatments? If you pass through Green Bay, Wisconsin and the weather is bad, you would always be welcome to stop in and have a warm, safe place to stay. I have a spare bedroom for guests and 2 sofa’s! I would love to get the chance to meet your Lauren!

    Hugs and prayers!
    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer! :)



    Hi Pam,

    This is great news indeed! I hope that Lauren’s chemo goes well, and I hope that you both have a safe journey there! Please let us know how Lauren gets on.

    Best wishes to you both,



    YEA-so excited for Lauren!! I am also excited to hear about your “culinary journery”, you two make a negative situation, so fun!!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy :)


    Be safe Lauren and Pam. We will be thinking of you.
    All my best,


    Great news! Best of luck!



    I’m so happy Lauren gets her chemo. :D (Rick’s going to be sorry he put these emoticons in my view.) Wishing you a safe trip. Let us know how it goes, Pam.


    Great news on Lauren receiving round 6! Have a safe trip to Michigan! I hope both of you get some good rest.


    Hi Pam, bestest news ever!!!!!!!!! Much good luck and I don’t think a snow storm will get in the way of your trip but smooth skating anyway!!!


    Hi everyone! We are heading to Michigan tomorrow for Round 6 of chemo for Lauren. We went to our area hospital this morning and Lauren had bloodwork done to make sure her platelets were good. They were 214 so she gets to go! I guess they are expecting a snowstorm up there so wish us luck getting there. We will stay overnight with my daughter, Kristen, and come home Thursday. Take care everyone.

    Love, -Pam

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