Yttrium 90 Therapy……..?

Discussion Board Forums Radiation Treatments & Options Yttrium 90 Therapy……..?

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  • #90842

    Hi Sean,

    If you look two threads down under this same topic ( Radiation treatments), you will see my post with SIRT in the topic; Selective Internal Radiation Therapy – the Y-90 spheres are what they use.

    In short- Mom has had 2 y-90 treatments and at this point, we are still at a point where the tumor appears dead.

    If after reading it, you have any further questions, please let me know. For Mom, it has allowed her to be treatment free and at this point, still no evidence of disease.

    Best wishes,


    Sean….foremost, I hope for others to personally share their experiences with you. In the meantime, you may want to take a look at the below link.
    Sean, as far as I recall, Princess Margaret does not provide Proton Therapy however; under special circumstances they may consider follow-up radiation.




    Originally I posted an Introduction under that subject header on March 5th, 2015 under the name SeanBelle. Last week, I was contacted by my Oncologist to discuss and enter an off-trial that uses Yttrium 90 technology to help keep my Intrahaepatic tumour at bay or possibly get rid of it altogether.

    This technology is new to my area (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada). I believe it has been an is being used in the U.S. for some time. Is anyone on the discussion board(s) familiar with this treatment type and aware of the success rate of the technology?

    Presently, my treatment has been a palliative course of Chemotherapyy drugs – Gemcitabine & Cissplatin on a Day 1, and Day 8 cycle with Day 15 as an off-cycle. There have been talks of proton radiation therapy in the future at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto, Ontario dependent on the success rates of the chemo regimen (just finished cycle 10) and this Yttrium 90 technology.


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