Hi All… Just thought I would pass on that i recieved my first Zometa treatment today. It’s takes about 15 minutes by way of infusion. Zometa is a Zeldronic acid treatment that helps with metasties of the bones. Studies have shown it to help retore strength to the bone by slowing or stopping bone matasties of different kinds of cancer. It can prevent can help relieve pain and prevent spinal compression as well. Treatment is given every 3-4 weeks. Blood work should be monitored and kidney function watched as well. You also take at least 400mg vitamin D with calcium daily whiile doing this treatment. Drink plenty of fliud as well as with all infused meds.
I have read a few post of individuals who currently have bone mets. This was something I researched and told my doctor I would liketo do. It appears in my case, oncologist forget about Zometa. This goes to show how active you have to be and advocate for yourselves. If this stuff works as I hope, then I’ll have less to no pain in ribs and possibally stop the bone mets from spreading. aLSO, Beings it is a systemic treatment maybe ther eare more benefits to be had. Who Knows. So far no side effects to speak of other than sleepiness a bit, but a good nap is good for you right?
God Bless,
Jeff G.