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  • in reply to: Looking for Sue? #35301

    Sue – thank you so much for responding. I am going to read your story.

    Janet, Margaret and Darla – thank you all so much for the positive energy and good thoughts. As hard as it is I am trying to stay positive.

    Lainy – Teddy truly sounds like a miracle. He is lucky to have you taking such wonderful care of him. Is Teddy being treated at Mayo?

    Marion – I live in Philadelphia PA and am currently being treated at UPenn. I am willing to go wherever if it would help. Sloane would be the closest for me but if I would be better off I would go somewhere else. I don’t know how much of a difference it would make – Mayo vs. Sloane? They may not do anything different than Penn is doing right now I just thought getting another opinion again wouldn’t hurt.


    in reply to: Looking for Sue? #35296

    Thank you all so much for your support and prayers. This is a whirlwind for me as I was just diagnosed in December. My head is just spinning.

    Marion – thank you so much for your advice – I have been doing some research and it seems the best place is the Mayo Clinic?? I think Minnesota is what I have been reading.

    Does anyone know??

    Thank you all – again.


    in reply to: CA 19-99 #35136

    Hi Marion – thank you for your reply. My concern was that I have already had my surgery and am starting chemo so I am concerned that the number is high. They are going to monitor and hopefully it will fall. I am having an MRI on Friday. Is this the norm??

    in reply to: Please help – starting a long fight!! #35024

    I really want to thank ALL of you for responding. It is a good feeling to know there are people out there that know exactly what I am feeling. I have family and friends that have battled cancer but obviously no one with this.

    I have been to three separate drs for opinions on my follow up treatment. All have agreed on the chemo and radiation however 1 of the 3 was going to treat me with Gemzar and Tarceva. The other 2 plan Gemzar and 6 weeks of radiation with 5fu. Has anyone undergone this same treatment? I know none of it will be pleasant but I really fear the radiation and chemo combination. I’m assuming it will be hell. I also did not want my 5 yr old to have to see the pump so I will do my best to conceal.

    Kris – thank you for the encouraging words. Did Sue have surgery only?

    Lainy – ditto above!

    Katie – I am going to have my treatment at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.

    Based on discussions with my surgeon, the “first round” of treatment doesn’t really vary too much. He said when you have issues of not responding or recurrence then maybe consider going to Sloane.

    I am very anxious about beginning treatment tomorrow. I also am nervous because I am going on Friday for MRI so keep your fingers crossed. :)

    in reply to: Please help – starting a long fight!! #35023


    I was in the hospital for 8 days. My surgery went really well. I was fortunate that it went so well, I had no complications at all. I was never in terrible pain – they managed that with Morphine. After about 5 days in the hospital they gradually introduced a liquid diet which I was able to tolerate and was on for 2 days. Then 1 day of bland solid food. I had nausea here and there but nothing that Zyfran (sp?) did not control. I think the best thing I did while in the hospital was walk. The first day after the surgery they had me walk, only a few step of course but they had me out of bed. It was horrible. But then every day a little more, my routine was about half hour after my pain meds kicked in I would walk. By the time I left the hospital I was able to walk the entire floor two times around and I was doing it 3 times a day. I’ve been home now about 3 weeks. I stopped taking the pain medication last week. I’m still a little sore – especially going from one position to another – sitting to standing or getting out of bed but a whole lot better. The first week home was tough just trying to sleep but each day was a “little” better than the day before. I’ve had nausea here and there but fortunately I have never vomitted. I really watch what I eat – small meals throughout the day – but I am getting used to it.

    Is the norm to have the surgery after chemo or radiation?

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