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  • in reply to: Needle biopsy – BEWARE #32090

    Thanks. My father will be going in for a biopsy in the next few weeks/month your post plus what I’ve read in my sleepless internet studies shows the needle biopsy (fine needle aspiration?) can spread. Does anyone know if ercp biopsy can spread? Is it possible for an ercp biopsy to not yield results? When they put his metal stent in they said they couldn’t biopsy because they didn’t have the right machine? They did brushings (non conclusive) It is confusing.
    Thank you!

    in reply to: Is surgery always the answer? #21354

    My father is facing the surgery or no surgery now. His heart doc said he did good on stress test. My father was almost hoping the doc would say no surgery but now decision time is coming closer. All of your insights are helpful. Thank you.

    in reply to: My father’s bile duct cancer? #31454

    Hello – We met with gastro today. They have to take out the big metal stent they just put in to get a biopsy with a “baby scope” that goes into the bile duct and give him a new metal stent. Makes me angry they didn’t do it first time. They only did brushings. I asked about the things I read about like ca19-9 tumor markers and he said they are only about 50% accurate and medicare won’t pay for it. I asked about cyberknife and he said the results are the same as other radiotherapy but with less side effects My father feels very good at the moment which makes it even more deceiving. He is aware that he would most likely not pull through the whipple surgery as 2 of his 3 main arteries to heart are 100% blocked. The tumor is less than 1cm but may be connected to pancreas but he said they can’t tell. Gastro also mentioned bile duct bypass surgery but this seems for comfort and less stent replacement visits. Every day with my dad is a gift. He had a grandmother with cancer who was given 6 months to live and lived 10 years to come back to the doomsday doctors to their surprise. He believes this will happen to him. I keep reading how fast this cancer grows. Thank you for your support. I am praying and hoping for those on this website. God Bless you

    in reply to: My father’s bile duct cancer? #31451

    On Sept. 2 my father had an ercp and a metal stent put in. a brushing test was inconclusive. An appointment to discuss situation with the gastro doc who did the ercp is now in October. I’m worried time is being wasted. shouldn’t a biopsy be done immediately to determine if the tumor is definitely cancer? The surgeon says it probably is. Time is ticking and we are waiting for these doctors to make appointments to talk. It could be another few weeks to a month after that just for the biopsy. Am I unduly panicking? I don’t know what to think or do but i feel that now is the time for something while the tumor is small. I am praying for those on this site and am encouraged by the good news/ whats working section.

    in reply to: My father’s bile duct cancer? #31449

    Thank you for your thoughtful responses. My father has mentioned he may not pull through if he gets the operation. The tumor is located in the main bile duct . My parents are waiting for doctor to call and make appointment for biopsy. Surgeon is convinced it is cancer. I will research cyberknife. I read about pdt and that it can kill some cancer cells and shrink tumor but I guess you can’t keep doing that . Thank you again for your responses.

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