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  • in reply to: Stopping Chemo, after only 1 treatment, the end???. #61187

    Lainy and Marion,
    Thank you, you’ve brought tears to my eyes, but not all of sadness.
    Lainy, please forward me the post you were talking about. my email is

    Marion, my mom, thankfully has all her finances and POA and will in place already, she’s always been very organized and did this a year or so ago:)

    thanks again.

    in reply to: Question about swelling #61165

    My Mom has been dealing with ascities too, she has been drained 3 times already, in her case she needs to do it every 7 days, easy procedure for her and she feels 90% better after.

    in reply to: Extreme nausea help!!! #60652

    I’m so thankful for your post, mom and I were at the ER and she had her abdomen drained and feels 90% better! It’s the first time in a month she has not been nauseas. Frustrating none of the doctors or advice nurses we spoke to mentioned this? Oh well, I’m thankful you did. Now she can have some relaid for a while I hope:)

    in reply to: Extreme nausea help!!! #60650

    Thank you both for the reply..Gavin, first Ive heard of ascites, but after looking it up it sounds very likely! Thank you!

    in reply to: Infected/clogged metal stent, please help #60438

    Thank you all for taking the time to reply to me. When you in the hospital do confused you reach out to everyone and I really appreciate the replays.

    To catch up, first and foremost all along we have been told mom has bile duct cancer, however, today the oncologist seems very confident it’s Gallbladder cancer that has metastisized to the stomach and the original tumor has grown and is in the liver and bike duct now. Do that’s horrible news if course.
    The decent news is that her white count is normal now and she finally got 3 metal stents in the bile duct just now and I pray this eleviates some if her pain and nausea and she can EAT finally!
    Oncology says she needs to recover from this, be able to eat and be infection free so they can attempt chemo.
    I’m beside myself with fear of what’s to come and find myself praying she can have chemo and it will do somet shrinking if the rumors to let her be here longer feeling good! Man, this is just so wrong:(

    in reply to: Infected/clogged metal stent, please help #60434

    Thanks Kathy
    We were just told that her tumor from today’s ct scan dhows the tumor is much larger and definetltly in the liver. Not what we wanted to hear of course. They will replace the stent yet again tomorrow morning.
    Have you bern on chemo since 09′?
    I’m so scared with this news they tell us to not even bother with chemo.
    We haven’t spoken to her oncologist yet.

    in reply to: Very sick after stent, in ER now need advice #60413

    They admitted mom and think this brand new stent is infected and blocked, how??? Poor thing just feels constantly naseaus like there’s a lump in the back of her throat and she needs to throw up. Tomorrow they’d do another ercp it sounds like??

    in reply to: Bad news, mom not operable #59895

    Hi Dina,
    I left a reply on Wednesday but see now it never did post. First of all, I am so sorry that we are both living the same nightmare. (Im the one who’s mom had the exact same outcome as yours on Tuesday this past week.)
    I would never wish anyone to be in the position our family is in.
    How is your mom feeling? My mom got discharged today, she is still pretty sore at the incision site, but otherwise feels good. Our next step is Wed the 18th when she has an appointment with a new oncologist in Sacramento. I have no idea what to expect, its just like we have this date in our heads and we are all hoping of course he will give us some wonderful words of wisdom and possibly treatment to prolong her life (STILL can’t believe I am saying these words!!)
    The one thing I keep hearing is to encourage her to choose quality of life over quantity. I hate it..I don’t want her to have to choose, she’s so young, happy and full of life with 6 young grandkids who adore her.
    Anyway I can go on and on, just so scared and you know :( Id love to keep in touch, compare notes etc. I hope your holding up OK, I think we are all in denial cause things appear so normal and she feels so normal!!!
    Take care of yourself

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