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  • in reply to: Please help me interpret my husband’s CT scan… #46493

    When we got the reports on my father, we did the same thing that Lainy mentioned. Google the terms, and that should help tremendously. A lot of the things mentioned in the CT scan you wrote about are very familiar to me as I have seen the same mentioned for my father. Take note if the bottom reads “findings” or “Impression.” That will give you a better and easier understanding of what they found. At least it did in the reports we have seen.

    in reply to: prognosis advice #46805

    Update – My dad went to the doctor today. Turns out he has pneumonia in both lungs. Luckily he was able to go home and did not have to be hopsitalized. I hope he will be able to fight this off relatively quickly. However, I know with his condition it may take awhile. He is pretty determined to wait on the vacation until his birthday in April. I am hoping that all will go well and he will be able. Any similar experiences with pneumonia?

    in reply to: prognosis advice #46804

    Dear Andrea,
    His appointment was only for lab work, and not to see the oncologist. He isn’t scheduled back to see him for 4 more weeks. However, when he was checked 2 weeks ago, he had a slight wheezing and was told that it was most likely from the cancer that had spread to the lungs. He does not have any stent in place. The cc he has is not located in the bile duct, he has several tumors within the liver. Since he isn’t eating well, maybe the lack of nutrients could be the culprit like you mentioned. I’m guessing he will end up back at the doctor before his scheduled appointment in 4 weeks. In the meantime, maybe I can get him to try the supplement drinks to see if that helps!

    in reply to: prognosis advice #46801

    To all,
    Thank you for your responses. The information is certainly helpful. I feel like taking a trip sooner is most likely the better option, just really hoping that a birthday trip was possible. Plus, waiting for warmer weather would be nice too. Just in the past 2 weeks, he has seemed to get progressively worse. I posted yesterday that the wheezing had worsened, and today he is out of breath just from a short trip to the doctor and the store. Is it normal for the symptoms to progress this quickly? Or is this something that could go on for a long time?

    To Andie – He takes supplement drinks from time to time but nothing consistantly. When he does, it is usually because of his blood sugar levels. (He is diabetic also.) His appetite has lessened. Not eating often, but when he does, he eats well. I will mention that to him.

    Lainy, I also wanted to mention that I have been following many of your posts, and the way you stayed so positive throughout Teddy’s illness was an inspiration. I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for all your help on this site!

    Again, thank you to everyone for your insight. I am looking for any and all information I can get.

    in reply to: 1st PET scan after 3 rounds of chemo #46076

    That is such wonderful news! We will be praying for another great scan in April!

    in reply to: CC is just sitting there, now what? how slow is slow? #46177

    We were told my father’s was slow growing as well. It is so frustrating not being able to point out a single answer. My father had a tumor that went undiagnosed as cancer for almost 3 years. It was believed to be a hemangioma of the liver. Since it is so dangerous to biopsy a hemangioma in the liver, due to bleeding concerns, they kept a close eye on it through scans. There was little to NO change in it for nearly 3 years. Only later, while in the hospital for another ailment, it seemed some pain was coming from the liver. That was when a biopsy was performed and diagnosed as cc. That was 18 months ago. Only now has it begun to spread.

    In some cases, it seems to move rapidly, and in others it remains dormant. That is why this seems to be such a difficult cancer to treat. There are no difinitive characteristics. Each individual seems to handle it differently. (In terms of growth).

    in reply to: Bad news…searching for treatment options #46036

    Marion and Gavin,

    Thank you both for your kind words. Just knowing that others are out there that can understand what you are feeling helps tremendously. I will try the search and see what I can come up with as well. This site has been so helpful and informative!

    Also, Gavin, I see that you are from Scotland. I had the opportunity to tour Scotland with my husband and father-in-law some years ago, and must say it is a beautiful country! We actually stayed in a cottage on Loch Ness for a few days! I came back with some beautiful photos!

    Thanks again for your helpful words. It is so hard not to focus on this constantly. This disease takes over everything.

    in reply to: Bad news…searching for treatment options #46033

    Well, I’m afraid I was right. The cancer has spread and has grown too much to continue the current treatment. The doctor says there are other drugs he could try, but the side effects are pretty rough and has not seen a ton of success with them. So my dad has decided against any more treatment. He wants the time he has left to be able to spend playing with his 2 granddaguhters who absolutely adore him. While I am completely heartbroken, I support his decision. None of us want to see him suffer any more than he has to. But hopefully this will give him an opportunity to spend quiality time with our family and enjoy each moment we have.

    Has anyone out there had any experience with cc and lung cancer? It is now in both lungs (at the base) and he seems to be showing early symptoms. (coughing, pain with deep breaths) How quickly will this progress? I am trying to prepare myself. I seem to handle things better if I do that.

    Sorry to ramble on, but I have found this site so informative and helpful. It just helps to get it out there to people who understand and have had similar experiences.

    in reply to: Bad news…searching for treatment options #46031

    I have searched through the clinical trials listed and I can’t seem to find any that my dad could try. For one reason or another, he meets at least one restriction on all of them. He has had so many other medical issues prior to the cancer (DVT, heart surgery, diabetes, thoracotomy, etc.) that it is keeping him from being able to fight the way he would like to. I am not looking forward to hearing about his doctor’s appointment today, as I am afraid even the doctor will not have any good recommendations at this point. Thanks for listening!

    in reply to: 90% chance cancer is back #39207

    Thank you all for your encouragement. Since my last post, my father’s biopsy turned out to be positive. He has several lesions and has begun chemotherapy just this week. He has been given Xeloda as well as Gemcitabine. His first treatment went well although he is now beginning to feel the effects and is quite fatigued. They are going to do another scan in 6 weeks to see if the chemo is working. What an encouragement it is to hear your stories and how you are working through it with such a positive attitude.

    in reply to: 90% chance cancer is back #39203

    My dad is 59 and in Alabama. I know it will most likely be a long tough road ahead and I want him to fight. I will pass along the info in regards to the clinics you mentioned. Thank you so much!

    in reply to: recurrence questions #37083


    Thank you so much for your reply. I will be praying for your husband.

    My father did not undergo any chemo post resection. He had a 1 inch clear margin, and he was in such bad shape, (due to surgery as well as other medical issues) that he was afraid he may not even survive going through it. Of course, now looking back we wonder if we should have done something different. We will definitly add chemo to our list of things to talk with the doctor about.

    My dad’s “set” appt. with the oncologist is on the 13th, unless the doc wants to see him sooner. I hope your appointment on the 14th goes well and your husband can get the internal stent put in. This disease is just so terrible, and frustrating trying to learn how to deal with the unknowns.

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