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  • in reply to: ASTRO – Boston – 2008 #23037

    Thank you Marion and Stacie for all you do. I appreciate all of your efforts and I support you wholeheartedly. Maybe one day I will be able to assist you more than I am now. I continue to have a difficult time dealing with the loss of my Jacques, it seems to be getting harder each day. On a positive note, on September 23rd, in Boston, I met an amazing “Face of Cholangiocarcinoma”, it was a bittersweet meeting, but there was an instant connection. We are all connected and we only are aware of this through this wonderful web site.
    Thanks for all you do – I only hope that one day – families will not have to endure what we have gone through – I truly believe one day our voices will be heard.

    in reply to: A blockage…and then what #22173

    I also, unfortunately, have experience with this and I wish I had a way to help you through this. Just being there for your sister is so important. Keep all your wonderful memories as they will be so important. I have not been a very good poster on this site, I am still having a very difficult time dealing with the loss of the love of my life 9 months ago. I do read the postings on this site often, but I still feel so helpless myself.
    God bless you for being such a great sister.
    My heart is with you and your sister.

    in reply to: Pet Peeve #20143

    I totally agree with you. Not only does it seem like it is blaming people for having cancer; it is a total insult for those of us who have lovingly taken care of someone we love and then lost them to this horrific disease. Those of you who are fighting this, keep fighting the fight – we are with you: Those of you who have lost someone – never forget because one day we may help someone else so they may not have to endure the pain and emptiness we experience each and every day.
    I lost the love of my life six and a half months ago and each and every day it is getting tougher. There is such a void in my life, it seems as if my life has gone from a world full of color to total black and white. I started a journal when my sweet Jacques was diagnose, and I have scribed many of my thoughts – my memories, my pain and my sorrow are recorded in it My goal is to one day soon put this into print to help others who have to go down this dark path – my experiences may help others through a very difficult time – or at least let them know they are not alone in their feelings.
    Prayers and Hope to all of you fighting this horrific cancer and Hugs and True sympathy to those who have lost a loved one.
    Fondly, Barbara

    in reply to: Finally, all of the answers #19854

    Dear Heather,
    My hearts aches for what you are enduring. I lost the love of my life, my incredible husband Jacques of 35 years to this dreadful disease in Nov. 2007. I miss him more and more each day. I have to tell you that no matter what you are told, hold on to hope and pray each day for a miracle. Enjoy each and every day with Lee – try to think of each day as a gift because each and every day is truly a gift. Look into each others eyes and have converstions, deep conversations, say things that need to be said, over and over again. Continue to fight and never give up or give in. Even though a day does not go by that I do not cry for how much I miss my Jacques, I am constantly researching and raising money for cancer research, trying to find anwers, all in the hope that one day loved ones will not have to endure the pain and heartache of the ruthless disease called CANCER. Stay strong and try to enjoy each and every day because I truly can attest that each and every day there is a precious memory and each memory is a gift. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

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