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  • in reply to: Hello Im new here #42852

    Hello Peggy and another warm welcome. My dad had cc and passed almost 3 years ago now. I was his medical advocate and was by his side through his cc journey. My mom has dementia (Frontal Temporal and PPA). If I can draw some assumptions based on both experiences and offer some thoughts, here they are:

    My mom is in the middle stages of her disease and no longer understands the concept of most medical care and treatment. She just wants the doctor to fix her. We are dealing with a new L1 compression fracture and she just doesn’t understand things like going to get an MRI or why she see’s a doctor and they “do” nothing to help her. She absolutely would not understand going through treatements, even minimally, for cc. There is some oral chem (Xeloda) and that could be an option , but you still have to watch blood counts to make sure it is safe for chemo and even that could be too much. For my mom pain would be the greatest concern. And as others have said, I would turn to Hospice to help manage this. The other rambling thought I have is that each person reacts differently to chemo and the side effects can be very confusing and challenging to manage. While it appears your family is sharing the caregiving responsibility, the challenges that can come with cc can test the most dedicated caregiver, coupled with dementia and I would suggest looking (before you NEED) for a care facility in case the need arises. If your mom can understand the treatements and the need to go through them, then this may sway your overall plan.

    Sorry, a bit of a ramble but hopefully of some value.


    in reply to: I Miss My Friend, I Miss My Wife #40724


    So sorry to learn of your loss. Like so many who have come before you (like me), this site proved to be a comfort on what became a painful journey. And like so many, I continue to come here and maybe you will too.

    Peace to you and your family.


    in reply to: Kristin is on her way out #42450

    There are no words that can ease your pain Kevin. I only offer a prayer of peace for Kristin and strength to you.


    in reply to: Initial symptoms #41840

    It was the Saturday before Easter (2007) and a week before my wedding. I had gone to visit mom and dad to discuss something related to the wedding I am sure .. upon arrival at their home I found dad was not feeling well, complaints of flu-like symptoms; fever, stomach and body aches, he said he had felt poorly that entire week. As my dad had a history of cellulites and I had personally witnessed him go from healthy to near septic shock in less than 6 hours I told him he needed to go to the hospital and get checked out. He was hesitant because it was April and our hospitals were known for being REALLY busy in the ER

    in reply to: I got sort of good news. #41724


    I have yet to make it to the Musee des Arts Decoratifs, I think it’s part of my evil scheme to assure that I return to Paris. If you want to enjoy a lovely, quiet, piece of Paris find your way to Place Dauphine. A hidden gem close to the Seine and not far from Notre Dame. And don’t miss out on a Batueau Mouches at night, there is nothing more lovely than seeing the beauty of Paris lit up at night .. romantic too.

    Bonne Vacances!


    in reply to: Hospice to the End? #41462


    Because of my mom’s dementia, my dad wanted to go to a hospice facility. He knew if he went home, mom wouldn’t understand what was happening and in the end it would be difficult for him to be at peace quite frankly. My dad was at Dobson House (Hospice of the Valley on Dobson just north of Ray) and I was very please with his care. They were able to respond very quickly to his changing needs.

    Follow your instincts and your heart.


    in reply to: How to relieve constipation? #41510

    Late to respond but up to 1000Mg of Magnesium (start at 250 and work up) can help too. Make sure its Mag only, not Cal-Mag.


    in reply to: Stand Up To Cancer #41276



    in reply to: Taking a vacation #41169


    Go, go, go! As oppossed to thinking about which wing, I would focus more on the room type, do you want an ocean view for example. Also, think about working with a travel agent if you are not already doing so. They still are able to work with some wholesalers to the Caribbean that can be less expensive than booking on your own on the internet. Lastly, read the travel insurance brochure carefully. Be sure you choose one that waives pre-existing conditions as long as you purchase within 10-14 days of booking your trip.



    in reply to: TEDDY Update #41051

    Since I am probably all of 6 miles away, at Ocotillo and Lindsay, and I have two fully equipped guest rooms .. you could pretend to leave town but stay close :)

    Summer is still very much here in the desert, this week will puch back up to 107 by Friday. But if you want a getaway, come on down! I think the pool has cooled off too much for night time swimming, but during the day it is refreshing. But just know that my two furry cats may make you feel a little too much at home. There’s a reason why I own a Dyson vacuum and buy lint rollers by the 6-pack!


    in reply to: Teddy Update #40925


    My dad didn’t do well on Morphine but those drops of Oxycodone worked very well. If Teddy doesn;t like the taste might be worth asking for a different flavor.

    Thinking of you both,


    in reply to: recently diagnosed #40435


    Like many people who have learned a loved one has been diagnosed with cc you are scrambling to learn as much information as possible.

    Others have provided good feedback on second opinions and you have put the wheels in motion which is good. As you learn more about cc you will come to understand that no two cases are the same and therefore treatment can vary widely. I am on this site as my dad had cc so my thoughts come from the viewpoint of a family member.

    I have read multiple accounts of people having chemo after being told surgery is not an option then be eligible for surgery once a tumor has shrunk some as well as folks who start out with surgery and follow it up with chemo. My dad started on Gemzar only. Moved on to chemo-embolization (which he had really good results with) and then went on to a Gemzar/Xeloda chemo mix. With this all said, I would say that starting chemo can only benefit your sister as a broader review of her case takes place and an overall game plan is devised. Gemzar/Cis in general has low reported side effects from what I have read on this site.

    It sounds like a plan is coming together

    in reply to: Nutrition/holistic measures during recurrence #39650


    There are many “natural” or “holistic” recommendations that can be considered. You may want to research the Naturopathic Doctors in your area as a means of trying to promote wellness for your mom as she undergoes treatment. I personally see a ND in my area and while she is a “women’s health” specialist, the practice has 7 or 8 doctors and one specifically focuses on patients undergoing Cancer treatment.

    The site has a physician search feature:

    Also, as an aside one of the big elements of the Cancer Treatment Centers of America program is the addition of more holistic healing to the clinical treatments. FYI


    in reply to: Computer Crash #38137


    Are you new to Windows 7? It is just different enough that you may want to watch the tutorials available online. I moved to Windows 7 in December and found these videos to be very helpful. Here is a link to a page with multiple short videos.


    in reply to: Seeking therapy #38750

    Seeking therapy takes strength and is an indication that you are stronger than you may feel. You are facing one of life’s greatest challenges in overcoming your grief in loosing Wayne and having help in the process may be exactly the right path for you. Just a little note of caution and a thought to consider.. not all therapist are created equal. Like a pair of shoes, they may look good and you like them but they’re not the right fit. Don’t be discouraged if it takes more than one (or multiple) attempts to connect with a therapist that meets your needs.

    Take care of you …


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