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  • in reply to: Time and Symptoms #17649

    Thank you Jeff. Your personal sharing is invaluable. One of our challenges in this equation is that my mom is in the mild/moderate stages of Alzehimers and while in many ways she is very functional, in others she is not at all. Little things like assuring dad keeps fluids is a challenge. I will be speaking to his oncologist office tomorrow as he has developed mouth ulcers and can barely speak. I have read there is a Rx mouth rinse that will help.

    Dad will get results from labs (liver function, white cell and CA19-9) on Wednesday and this will be telling. His last CA19-9 went from 1400 in late August to 1790 in early October. I don’t know how broad this scale is so I don’t understand the relevance of the change. I just know that the change and other symptoms caused my dad’s Dr. to be concerned that cells were taking hold in my dad’s abdoment. While I hope this misery has helped and we will see an improvement, we see the stuggle in him.

    Thanks again.

    I thank you as well for sharing. In many ways this is very hard to talk about and in others I really need to. For that reason, I feel blessed that I found my way to this board.


    in reply to: Please review and share if you can #16780


    Thank you for your post. I am unfamiliar with the therapy you mentioned – but I will look into it.

    Since my post – dad has seen his oncologist and news was not good. His CA19-9 is up (went from 1400 in late August to 1797 in mid-October) and his continued fluid build up is concerning. Dr started new cycle of Gemzar with Xeloda. Doing 2-weeks on then one week off. Will check Ca19-9 again next week and will get results at 11/7 appointment. Depending on results current chemo combo will be repeated or an alternate (final) combo will be tried.

    My mom has Alzheimer’s and my dad is trying really hard to out live her but I don’t know that this is going to be enough. Prayers are good!


    in reply to: Dr Jenkins feedback #16493


    From my dad’s expereince a 2cm tumor would likely be a candidate for a radio frequent ablation (burn/freeze). Please add that to your list of treatments to inverstigate.

    My dad’s tumor was right over the bile ducts and artery so no surgery wither.


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