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  • in reply to: ? about Alkaline Phosphatase levels #25014

    Thank you both so much. I read the labtest website & it is wonderful. I spoke to another dr. this am & he reassured me that because my other levels were normal, I had nothing to worry about. (Although, anytime someone passes away of something, you always wonder). I do need to address my extremely low ferritin though. Thanks Again!

    in reply to: ? about Alkaline Phosphatase levels #25010


    in reply to: Finally, all of the answers #19840

    Heather, I am so sorry. You & everyone on this board will be in my prayers. I believe from your posts that Lee is a fairly young man to have CC. We also got bad news from the oncologist today. I feel my dad is slipping away, also. It seems when we get one thing looked at, another is just around the corner. He is now having the ascites in his abdomen, feet & legs. I asked the oncologist about CC being a rare cancer & she agreed, but said in the last week, she’s had two forty-one year old women diagnosed with it. It’s just very sad. You & your family will be in my prayers.


    in reply to: Update on my father #19814

    As I said in another post, I convinced my dad to go to the ER for a catheter. They drained over 2 liters out. He came home with the catheter. Monday, we saw an urologist. He kept the catheter in & gave him Flomax & Bethanechol to stimulate the bladder to empty. He’s not having any problems emptying into the catheter, but the dr. wants him to take these drugs for a week & have the home health nurse take out the catheter next Monday & see if, after 4-5 hrs. he urinates on his own. If not, he will need to go back to the urologist to have the catheter insterted, probably permantly, as the dr. believes he may have stretched his bladder too much, with all the urine that came out initally with the catheter. We FINALLY see an oncologist today. I’m making a lenghty list of ?? to ask. His ankles are still very swollen. He is still very much constipated & taking laxatives per the GI dr. We see her Friday of this week. It just seems every dr. gives him new meds & everytime we get one thing fixed, it seems another body part has a problem. He says he feels fine except for the constipation problems & has had a good appetite the last few days. It is so hard on my mom with her RA that she has. I’m doing everything I can to help. I am really encouraging them to come & stay at our home, but they won’t hear of it. My husband is a CPA & it’s been a rough few months, but finally, I have him home & his help, also. I just feel fortunate that I don’t work & do have the time to spend & help my parents.

    in reply to: Fluid Build-up (Abdomen and Extremities) #19805

    I finally convinced my father to go to the ER for a catheter & he came home with it. Tomorrow, I will make an appt. for an urologist. Today, when I went to my parent’s house, I saw my dad’s ankles were terribly swollen & his stomach was swollen much like it was yesterday before they put the catheter in. I’m now worried about ascites.

    jmoneypenny, I’ve been reading some of your old posts. You sound like me. I’ve been trying to get all the info I can on this horrible disease & I’m so worried, with everything I read that this is “the end”.

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