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  • in reply to: good bye to my mom #29590

    Dear Carrieann,

    I feel your pain. This is so heart breaking. I lost my best friend and mom, June 29, 2009. She was also 64 years young. My story is just like yours, I was with her to the end. I still can’t belive she is gone. We lived an hour apart, however I worked in her store, with her daily. If I was home or it was the weekend we would talk on the phone. She so loved my husband and her grandchildren, we would take vacations together three times a year or more. Now I go to work without her. I just keep telling myself, she is with me and our wonderful family. I know I will see her in heaven, I just wish it didn’t seem so far away. I try to stay positive, my children need me, and so does my husband. I’m 42. I see that jmoneypenny’s mom was the same age ours, and we are all early 40’s. Wow, I keep reading how this cancer is so rare however, there seems to be a lot of us going through the same thing. God Bless you and your family. We all need to stay strong and be thankful for everything our mom’s gave us.

    in reply to: my mom #30407

    I feel for you as, my best friend and mom died June 29, 2009. 64 years young. I can’t even accept that this is real. I miss her so. I also feel my mom with me, everyday. I write and talk to her daily, this has really been good for me. I also have pictures in frames around the house, and throught my busy days, I always stop and say hi mom. Bless you and your family, as well as mine. I love my butterfly!! I look for you and see you daily.

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