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  • in reply to: Chuck from Michigan #35510

    Thanks for all your support.I really needed it today, didnt have a good or bad one just kinda thinking about everything and feeling sad.Just to let you know Im from Columbus,Ohio and that my cc is straight in the Bile Duct and has spread to my lungs with little spots.No chemo this week so this my week off.I hope everyone has a Great Valentines Day.I will become a grandma again on Sunday another girl which makes 3 girls.The joy of my life.I also hope all of you that live in Eastern us has dug out of the snow.I got stuck today just trying to drive up my court.Red,pink,and white hearts to all.Love is in the air.So everyone best wishes on the day of love.

    in reply to: Chuck from Michigan #35505

    Hi everyone!
    My name is Amy and Im 48 and I have stage 4 terminal
    cc. I was told Oct.2008.I tried an experimental drug at first and it didnt work so try took me off it and now Im on Xeloda and Gemzar every two weeks.I just thought I would share with you that Im not sick or tired on this treatment Im even working fulltime.My tumor markers have gone from 155 to 67.I was wondering if anyone was ok at first than the shoe dropped so to speak.Im nervous all time that my blood work is going to come back bad or that every little pain that something is wrong.Dont get me wrong I thank GOD every day that Im not having any problems , Im just very worried.Any words of encouragement?

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