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  • in reply to: My Dad #51516

    Thank all of you for your responses!! We are going crazy thinking every little thing that happens to him is because of this cancer. When he was told he had the cancer he was in a major hospital in Boise. He is such a difficult case because he can’t have any of the normal tests due to his conjestive heart failure and the pace maker. Because of the pace maker and his weakened condition he can’t have the MRI and the CT Scans with contrast. Back in March he was bleeding enternally and was very very yellow. He was taking blood thiners due to the heart problem and because of the diabetes he has a huge sore on his foot and was put on antibotics (bactrim) the antibotic and the blood thinner he was on did not mix and caused him to bleed. His INR was 9 and that is when they found the cancer in the bile duct. They went in though his throat and looked around and found the tumor, all the tests came back that is was indeed cancer.
    The doctors put a metal stent in and he got better as far as being yellow however he has a problem with his bowls and can’t seem to hold them to even get to the bathroom at times. Is this due to the stent maybe?? he is sick to his stomach alot lately and very bloated. Again is this due to the stent?? Like I said before he has been a diabetic for about 12 years now and has been able to control it somewhat with pills and insulin but not anymore it just bottoms out and then goes up to 300 or 400.
    He has hospice nurses come out 3 days a week but actully they don’t seem to do anything but dress the wound on his foot.
    Our mother is the main caregiver and we worry about her too she is 75 and seems to be in pretty good health but the stress of all of this is taking a toll on her and all of us. Dad is sweetest thing that has ever lived and we just don’t know what to do for him. He seems to be in no pain right now. Is this a painful cancer toward the end?
    I am not sure about this hospice at the time!! My sister and I have been talking and I think Dad needs to be under a doctors care instead of these nurses. We don’t know what stage he is in because of the lack of tests. The onclonlogist in the hospital is the one that sent him home with hospice because he said there was nothing actually they could do because of his age (81) and all the other things that are wrong with him.
    I know hospice is a great organization but sometimes I think we need another opinion????
    Hospice seems to think that if the cancer bleeds again to just let him bleed. I find that very scarey if they can go in and fix it like before and give him a little more time.

    Thanks for listening, Betty

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