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  • in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32455

    Hi everybody;

    Today oncologist appointment.

    Blood test are Ok. Then tomorrow she will begin the fourth cycle of xeloda during 15 days(6 pills per day) before a new CAT scan.

    Regarding swelling of the lower parts of the body Oncologist prescibed now Aldactone 100 mg/per day and furosemide 20 mg/per day.

    Regarding wear compressive stocking oncologist said that the swelling is too strong to wear it.

    On the other hand tonigth for the first time my mother has complained of heartburn.

    Thanks for the support;

    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32454

    Thanks a lot PCL1029.


    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32452


    PCL1029, yes , at this moment Aldactone, one pill per day from one month ago more or less.

    I´m not sure forusemida.

    Oncologist prescribed her another diauretic in the last appointment 15 days ago(I guess forusemida) but just for 5 days consecutive and stop.

    What is your opinion?


    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32449

    Thanks to all of you!!

    As i said above, we have oncologist appointment next wednesday to check blood tests.I guess she will continue with xeloda.

    Oncologist prescibed her some diuretic medication without succes in the last meeting was 3 weeks ago.

    And I take into account salt issue, although I guess my mother will be difficult to convince.


    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32445

    Thanks PCL1029.

    It is a little bit strange.

    Swoollen issue began in the middle of August after a long trip.
    At that time my mother had to have fatigue and ate not very much.
    But the swelling increased or decreased depending on the day…

    After September CAT scan and xeloda pills all change for the better except swelling that I think it is worse every week.

    Any clue?


    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32443

    Hi every one;

    After a difficult summer and after a CAT scan where tumor was a little bit bigger, oncologist prescribed him xeloda pills.(2 cycles until now)

    At this moment she is better, she sleeps and eats almost normal.

    But the problem in the last weeks is that her ankles and legs are very swollen and hard.

    Oncologist prescribed different pills but it didn´t work. When she is lying down she has their feet and legs elevated but without success too.

    She has a new oncologist appointment for next wendnesday…what else can she do to avoid swollen?

    Tanks in advance a regards;

    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32441

    Marions, Lainy, ankles and legs are OK, just stomach a litle bit with some disconfort. Regarding my mom, she is better this week than last week.

    We have appointment with ONC on september 6th for a new CAT revision.
    We are in public/state healthcare which there are a lot of people waiting for ONC appointment…

    And tomorrow my parents will travel in a romantic trip for 3 weeks and they trust in GP.
    I just had a discussion with my father about this issue and said to have been comfortable with GP checks and explanations and they want to make the trip.

    I´m in a mess…


    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32438

    Hello everyone, sorry for not updating but so far no news.

    As you know last summer(2012) my mother (78) knew that tumor was reproduced for the first time after surgery(30x30mm).Quickly taking Gemzar but earlier this year treatment stopped because the dodydefenses down .So, all this year is not taking any treatment. In recent CAT tumor is in the same size.The new scanner is scheduled for September.
    So far my mother has a completely normal life after nearly four years of resection.
    The issue is that for two weeks from now has begun to notice something swollen belly with some discomfort and a little more tired .This morning we went to GP doctor(about 1 hour) and he has been touching stomach, ankles and legs and asking different questions.. and finally told us don´t worry that they are stomach gases. I have to say tha this GP Doctor has all info from my mom Hospital history for the last 4 years.
    For this forum I had thought it might be ascites, can we be unconcerned with this answer? Any advice?

    Tahnks for your support;

    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32435

    Hi everybody;

    Today the third round of quimiotherapy has been delayed until new appointment with the oncologist in 2 week due to they has checked something in the blood test. My mum doesn´t know explain me what nurse told her for the reason for the delay…any clue?

    I´m a litle bit worry for this.


    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32434

    Thanks Julia.

    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32432

    PCL1029, Marions thanks.

    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32429

    Thanks Lainy.

    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32427

    Hi to all of you;

    After firts appointment with the ocologist the decision has been Gemzar for 6 months. 30 minutes per week for 3 weeks and 1 week off.
    The new tumor is 30x30mm and is close to portal vein.

    Asking for interventional radiologist the answer has been that “it is not an option”.

    She says that in the last months she has sometimes heartburn and she gets tired quckly otherwise nothing else.

    today I’m really sad seeing my mother crying tell the doctor all the information about how is a normal day in his life before to take a decison about chemo.

    Thanks for your support.

    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32425


    In today’s meeting with the surgeon told us that the new tumor after 3 years with clear images is in a bad place for a second surgery and the best thing is to make an appointment with the oncologist next week.

    PCL1029,If I understood correctly, in this meeting we will have to address the following;

    -RFA or chemoembo or radioembolization
    -IMRT or cyberknife or PDT
    -chemotherapy(CAPOX, gem/CIS ¿?)

    My mom took just Gem after surgery 3 years ago for 6 months, 1 hour per week without any side effects.

    Thanks for your support;

    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32424

    Thanks PCL1029.

    At the moment chemotherapy is for free in Spain.

    The last news is that Doctors want to do more tests(after CAT scan,endoscopy and PET scan), new blood test and another CAT scan exactly.

    I dont understand very well since one month ago my mom had a PET scan that I think it is more powerfull than CAT scan.

    The new appointement with the doctor is on August 30th for the results.

    ¿What should i be think?

    Thanks for your support once again;

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