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  • in reply to: My wee dad #88089

    Hi guys …. Thanks so much for your support as usual….The consultant I’d made appt with didn’t turn up and I spoke to a ward dr instead. I’ve since called and spoke to the ward manager and our local district nurse and asked them to talk to each other with regards to the amount of support we may get if dad sent home. I’m under the impression it will be much the same as we had before with carers in 4 times during the day. Dad is now bed bound so they think it will be easier for mum. They’re going to arrange a family meeting with my dad mum myself, the consultant, district nurse, or rhapsodic therapist etc to make sure everyone is in agreement dad’s well enough to actually come home !!! Feel sorry for dad as he’s quite comfortable where he is and feels safe and secure there. Thanks again xxxxx

    in reply to: My wee dad #88083

    Dad’s been stable last few weeks … Been bed bound for 5 weeks now and appetite still poor. However since dad stable Marie curie hospice saying they’re not a long term care facility so our options are now home or care home although they are still saying prognosis could be a couple of weeks to a couple of months at most. Mum isn’t fit enough to care for dad at home as has had a couple of mini strokes but won’t think of putting dad in a care home as he needs palliative care !!! I’ve another meeting with consultant tomorrow any ideas if questions to ask? Dad wants to stay in hospice as he feels safe and secure and I think if they try and move him anywhere it will be too much for his wee body!!! Thanks xxxx

    in reply to: My wee dad #88078

    Hi guys ….dad’s dr said dad’s liver function not good and he’s now getting a bit muddled due to cancer spreading …. Told it’s a day at a time and I’ve decided I’m def not going on holiday. Consultant thinks I’ve made the right decision. Dad saying he wishes he could get a cocktail of drugs to end this nightmare and suffering. I hope I have enough strength over the next few days/weeks to get through this and to be strong for mum and dad …. Thanks for your continued support xxx

    in reply to: My wee dad #88074

    I am trying to persuade Ian and kids just to go as I don’t feel there’s much point in them being here when they could all get a holiday but they don’t want to go without me. Holiday is for 15 days but if I went at all I’d only go for a few days at the beginning to get family settled then fly back as I wouldn’t enjoy myself anyway and would never forgive myself if anything happened while I was away on holiday …. Dad’s getting a cathatar in just now and is in a lot of pain in his tummy…. Horrible watching him suffer through this disgusting cancer !!! Thanks Gavin xxxx

    in reply to: My wee dad #88073

    Thanks guys … Dad having a lot of tummy pain today and I spoke to dr yesterday who explained dad on syringe driver as they wanted him to have different pain relief rather than the morphibe as it would build up in his kidneys as they’re not working well just now and this pan relief gentler on kidneys. Dr tokd me it’s a day at a time just now to see if dad recovers from this latest infection. Ian kids and I are supposed to be going on holiday to Spain next Friday and dad is determined that I go but I’m scared to go incase he becomes really unwell. Advice? Dr told me he will chat with me at weekend as wi hopefully have a clearer picture of how dad is by then and whether he has become more stable or not. Can’t thank you all enough for all your support xxxx

    in reply to: My wee dad #88069

    Dad’s kidney function not good and they’ve put him on a saline drip as he’s dehydrated. They’ve also put in a pain driver which set my alarm bells ringing as I thought they just did this if nearing the end ?? Anyone know ?? Dad’s still in hospice xxx

    in reply to: My wee dad #88066

    Dad didn’t have a great day yesterday as he looks a bit more jaundiced and he slept most of the day and evening. It was my mums birthday yesterday but we took kids in on Friday instead and had a wee birthday tea and mum opened her presents so don’t know if that just tired my dad out!! Let’s hope he feels a bit better today and is more awake and alert ….. he’s asked me to bring the life assur policies in to have a look at……HATE this cancer so much xxx

    in reply to: My wee dad #88063

    Hi Gavin

    Many thanks for your explanation of the power of attorney as it may prove worthwhile when sorting out dad’s affairs so mum doesn’t have to if she’s too upset.
    Also thanks as always for your continued support.


    in reply to: My wee dad #88061

    Thanks Lainy

    Dr just told us this afternoon that blood test show cancer spreading to more
    of dad’s liver now and she’ll do more tests next week and update us again. She’s also explained dad not fit enough to go home so looking at longer stay in hospice. What was Teddys prognosis when he reached this stage (if you don’t mind me asking?)
    Thanks for the huge hug and here’s one back to you xxx (())

    in reply to: My wee dad #88059

    Hi guys
    Dad doing a bit better again. Meds eventually worked and he seems more content. He’s still enjoying watching the tennis and had strawberries and ice cream yesterday!! He enjoyed myself Ian and the kids visiting and hearing our daughters stories to camp as she had been away for a week. We are meeting with dad’s lawyer in the hospice today as he wants to sort some things out, wants to make me power of attorney so I can help my mum when the time comes as dad deals with all the bills etc .
    Dad will be assessed this week in the hospice to see if he’s to get home or not. Mum worried sick as dad can’t walk and it’s a huge job for her to take on, even with the back up carers as dad already had them in 4 times a day but that still wasn’t enough.
    Anyway we will wait and see what the outcome is this week.
    Thanks for all your continued support.


    in reply to: My wee dad #88057

    Wee dad really struggling with this constipation since Sunday. Hospice trying everything but nothing working and they’re giving him injections for pain in his tummy. I can’t help but wonder if cancer has spread to bowel? Horrible seeing dad like this and feeling so helpless!! Hate this illness and just wish he would get a break !!! My best friend and best support has left for 2 week holiday today with her family and I’m already struggling !!! Dealing with this on my own is overwhelming !! Thanks for listening xxx

    in reply to: My wee dad #88050

    Hi guys

    Thanks for your continued support. Dad still pretty good although sore with constipation but hospice sorting it out, potassium levels high as is sodium but they’re giving him meds for that. He’s still on good spirits and enjoying watching the start of Wimbledon.
    Really appreciate all your very kind words.

    in reply to: My wee dad #88020

    Dad seems to have turned a corner and seems so much better today … More alert and eating/drinking … Couldn’t believe it so here’s hoping it continues!!! This is a hell of an emotional roller coaster ride !!!

    Thanks to you all for your continued support.


    in reply to: My wee dad #88053

    Please help me …. My dad’s taken a bad urine infection and the tumour in his lower back has effected the power in his legs so he was transferred to the hospice yesterday . They’ve told us it’s serious and to prepare as it’s a matter of weeks now. Devastated doesn’t cover it. I am so so scared as it’s all come so quick as dad went in with gallstones April and this is where we find ourselves ??!!! Can’t get my head round it !!

    in reply to: My wee dad #88048

    Seemingly we can wait for a couple of weeks for referral to get auctioned. Thanks Marion and Gavin for your support yet again … Means a lot. Got dad outside yesterday into the back garden for about 40mins … Was a huge effort to get him there as he is so weak but I set up a comfy recliner sun lounger under a sun umbrella and we took him front front door to back garden in car down the driveway (a very short distance- about 15ft) but he couldn’t walk that far… He was exhausted after but enjoyed the change of scenery as hasn’t been out the door in over 4 weeks and then it was when he was brought back from hospital. Pray we get more of these good days…. HATE this disease !! Xxxx

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