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  • in reply to: My wee dad #88045

    Thanks guys … Referral went in today for Marie curie nurses to come and do a palliative care assessment …. I eventually had the very hard discussion with them today, very sad realisation but they know it’s the right thing … Mum and dad just in denial … My heart breaks for them. We had a nice time yesterday as I had printed off lots of photos of mum dad and the kids for them so they enjoyed looking through them …. Appreciate all your support.
    Hugs to you all

    in reply to: update on tom #88263

    Fantastic news !!! Delighted for you guys

    in reply to: My wee dad #88041

    Thanks guys, dad has been taking laxido to help with constipation but getting a balance doletes proving difficult. I’m sitting here with dad just now while my friend has my mum out for a wee change of scene , dad is sleeping and very twitchy. He started feeling sick yesterday and still feels sick today. He’s a wee soul and watching him sleep pulls at my heart strings . What a horrible disease this is. Thanks so much to everyone for your continued support.
    Myself and kids coming over again tomorrow for some food and company with mum and dad. Hubby Ian flying to Mexico with work tomorrow for a week so a difficult week ahead of us. Only looking at a day at a time though as you guys suggest as when I look further forward I get overwhelmed. Thanks for being here xxxx

    in reply to: My wee dad #88038

    Marion … Thanks for the link to the caregivers booklet as it will help my mum immensely xxx

    in reply to: My wee dad #88037

    I was overwhelmed to wake up this morning to your kind messages. It made me feel that I’m not alone. Yes dad is suffering from bouts of constipation but he has medication to try and help this. Finding a balance though is proving quite difficult. We tarried him on all his favourite foods and he’s gone off them one by one. The meal he’s enjoying most is his porridge in the morning but now my mum has to feed him this and his hands shake quite a bit. We have endure drinks and smoothies which are high in calories and nutrition and he will take one of them a day and sometimes one of the orange drinks too. He is due back to see his oncologist on wed next week but I don’t know if he’s got the strength for mum and I to get him there by car. We have a wheelchair etc for him too as dad funds the ambulance transport to sore on his back as he has tumours on his spine but they managed to shrink them back a bit with radiotherapy.
    I can’t thank you all enough for your continued support an once this horrendous journey and u send my love and support back to you all.
    Carol xxxxx

    in reply to: My wee dad #88032

    ## Vowels should say bowels !!

    in reply to: My wee dad #88031

    Hi guys
    Just a wee update on my dad. Appetite quite poor as is mobility. He is struggling with his vowels etc too . Carers in 4 times a day which helps mum a bit although she’s starting to look worn out. Referral going in next week for Marie curie to get involved as I feel my mum and dad need that support as we are still not talking about dad having terminal cancer which is a constant strain. My husband kids and I go over every weekend for a family meal (although dad doesn’t eat anything) and I visit him every day for a couple of hours. My mum is so strong and I’m so proud of her!! I’m emotionally up and down but I feel if I just concentrate on next 24hrs I feel I can cope better. Thanks for allowing me to vent as I feel no one really understands what we are going through and I don’t have any siblings to discuss this with.
    Hugs to all

    in reply to: Great news on my husband #88276


    The BEST news !! So so happy for you guys and your family!!!


    in reply to: My wee dad #88029

    Thanks Gavin …. Your kind words give me strength to help my mum and dad and family cope as well as we can with this nightmare and as you say hopefully lots more good times ahead as well .
    As always appreciate your support and kindness .

    in reply to: My wee dad #88027

    Thanks Gavin … There’s a Marie Curie nurse visiting on Tuesday … We had the best night tonight as my hubby Ian and I took kids over and we had a Chinese carry out (dad tried a little chicken noodle soup) and if felt like normal … Best night in 7 weeks … Hopefully a lot more to come …. Appreciate everyone’s support xxx

    in reply to: My wee dad #88025

    Thanks Marion, Kris and Gavin for all your kind words.
    My dad’s appetite has improved slightly so hoping the steroids he has been put on are doing the job!! Can anyone give me a rough indication of life expectancy? The district nurse was taking to my mum and dad yesterday about them being aware that Marie Curie Hospice is available is required as time goes on. Mum and dad were both horrified and very upset as I don’t think they expected to be having this conversation so soon….thanks for bring my lifeline just now xxx



    I was so sad reading your post and my heart breaks for you. My wee dad was diagnosed 7 weeks ago after going into hospital with gallstones … He’s now home with palliative care. I am also just new to this site. I am sending you lots of hugs at this devastating time. It’s so cruel that you and your family need to endure this. I hope you find strength to work your way through this horrific ordeal. Stay strong.
    Carol xxx

    in reply to: My wee dad #88022

    Thanks Marion for your kind words xx

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