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  • in reply to: My dad diagnosed in April . #84306

    Hello everyone. Hope you’re all well.
    My dad’s condition has been deteriorating. The Docs at the Cancer hospital (which is government run), advised against the PTBD or ERCP as they think it would be of no help to his condition.
    He was recently admitted in a private hospital as his bilirubin reached 14, he was very weak, slept all day and his intake was restricted to fluids. They treated him with antibiotics, albumin, sodium & potassium. His bilirubin is now 8.
    At this hospital an oncologist informed us that this government run cancer hospital refuses to take up cases that are high risk due to the vast number of people they deal with.
    We did an MRCP that shows a mild progression of disease with the tumor reaching the hepatic porta & involvement of the primary biliary confluence & resultant IHBR dilation in the left & caudate lobes of the liver.
    A Gastroenterologist we were referred to, through the private hospital advised us that he would only have around 20 % relief from the jaundice, if, the stent was successful and it would not help with ascites or the disease. We would also have to consider the risk involved in doing an ERCP which could result in sepsis and other complications.
    At this point it’s his comfort & quality of life that is important to us.
    However, we’re really confused and stuck in making a decision considering the risks involved and his current condition, his body being so frail due to no intake of any solids, minimal liquid intake, ascites and being confined to the bed.
    My mother is very sad, stressed out and tired to even think about what to do next. She’s just taking each day as it comes. This leaves me to make important decisions and make sure we’re doing all that we can.

    in reply to: My dad diagnosed in April . #84303

    Thank you so much everyone for your time & support. I’m located in India & since I didn’t find a local forum, I joined here & I’m glad I did.
    So, the stent inserted in April, that is blocked now, was a plastic one. He was discharged from hospital today & the docs have put him on meds to drain the fluids. He’s very weak & although he has an appetite he cannot stomach much due to the ascites. He’s now on a zero salt diet.
    @ Marions thank you for asking theses questions. Is tapping & paracentesis the same? He had a bag attached for 3 days, during which a liter of fluid was drained per day along with intravenous albumin. The fluid has gone for testing, the results aren’t out as yet.
    The docs told my mum today that neither the PTBD nor the metal stent would be of any use at this stage. We have to see them on Tuesday to discuss this further/ treatment options.
    I’m hoping his body is capable of going through any further treatment.

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