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  • in reply to: Progression signs of Bile Duct Cancer #94853

    I know it has been a few weeks since posting. As an update, I met with my husbands oncologist to have him give me his honest feedback on my husbands situation. The first thing we discussed is if the chemo is actually working. The reason for this is since switching the type of chemo, it seems my husbands amount of fluid being drained just continues to increase. for four weeks now it has been between 8 to 8 1/2 liters of fluid. This is due to his liver not functioning correctly. The first week when he started this different round of chemo was 5 liters. His oncologist did agree and has ordered a new cat scan to see if the orange sized tumor in my husbands bile duct has reduced in size since the last cat scan. He did indicate that the difficult thing to predict with my husband is that his white and red blood counts are normal. His immune system has been perfect throughout the entire time he has been undergoing chemo. When my husband was first seen by the oncologist, he was in complete liver failure, completely yellow. The oncologist had given my husband 2 weeks to 2 months to live. This was last August 30th 2016. The Oncologist continues to state that my husband still being here is a complete miracle. All he could say is that if this chemo is not working, there is no other chemo that he can put him on and that there will be nothing we can do for my husband. He told me that my husband will continue to grow weaker and weaker and eventually the cancer will take him. At this point I am appreciating every day that I have with my husband and making the best memories that I can. It is so hard to watch him getting weaker and weaker. His adult children don’t seem to care to come around and help him with anything. They act as if he is already dead, especially his oldest son. It hurts so much because I know that he needs their help with so many things. He wants to make sure that all of his projects are completed so I wont have to worry. I keep telling him it is ok, but I know it is really frustrating him. He gets dizzy a lot and most recently passed out at the store. His five year old is now afraid her mommy is going to die and that she will never get to see me either. This is tough. Thanks for letting me vent. Thank you for the support and love


    in reply to: Progression signs of Bile Duct Cancer #94851

    Hi everyone, thank you to your honest responses,

    I appreciate all the information you have provided. I know that my husband is on borrowed time and realize this is his last summer and hope he is here to enjoy with our family. Every week he has the fluid drained from his abdomen it increases. The first week he went in it was 5 liters, the next week, 5 1/2 and so on. Today he had 8 liters drained.

    My husbands next appointment with the oncologist is this next Tuesday. I plan to go and want to meet with him individually as we will have my husbands almost 5 year old daughter. It breaks my heart that she will not have her daddy for much longer. I don’t want her to have to hear the conversation I need to have with the oncologist.

    Thank you again, for all your love and support.


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