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  • in reply to: My Mum x #87243

    Hi Gavin,

    I hope you are well. I have not been on for a while as the last few months have been pretty tough.
    It has been 10 months since my mum’s operation and 2 months since she has finished her chemo. She coped pretty well during chemotherapy, the tiredeness and lack of energy probably being the worst. The last couple of weeks have probably been the worst as I think my mum is depressed. Her shoulders, arms and hips are really sore every day and any twinge from her stomach terrifies her. I think she is petrified the cancer has returned. She is due for a scan in November but my dad told me she is not going to have it as she is petrified and would rather not know.
    I don’t know what to do as I am praying this is not the case and if so the reassurance everything is OK will help her move on and enjoy life more. Do you know if her aches and pains are common after chemptherapy.

    Catherine x

    in reply to: My Mum x #87241

    Dr Mole performed her surgery.

    All this information is fantastic and I cannot thank you enough.
    I will hopefully find out more next week when we go to Glasgow.

    Take care and best wishes to you

    Catherine x

    in reply to: My Mum x #87239

    Thanks Melinda x x x

    in reply to: My Mum x #87238

    HI Everyone

    God bless you all fighting this terrible disease and thank you again for all your support.

    We are from Dunblane, Scotland. My mum had her Whipple procedure at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary and goes to the Beatsons in Glasgow for her chemotherapy next Thursday. It is 6 cycles of gem/cisplastin with two weeks on one week off.

    Then apparantly that’s it…………..but I am def going to question her oncologist and look into other opinions. x

    in reply to: My Mum x #87234

    Thank You again

    Means a lot.

    x x

    in reply to: My Mum x #87232

    I am so pleased to hear your mum is doing well and you have a holiday planned.
    We have also discussed having a family holiday later on in the year (after mum’s chemo) when she is feeling well. I have an 12 year old younger sister too ( I am 29) so will be good to have some quality time together.
    You have a great attitude and you have lifted me up tonight.
    Thank you so much

    I’ll keep in touch and keep you up to date.
    I hope you all have a lovely time in April
    Thanks again x x

    in reply to: My Mum x #87230

    Dear Lainy

    Thank you so much for your reply and the links you sent me.
    I have read on here re people’s scans every few months etc so I did find it strange that after my mum’s chemo there will be no follow up. I will look into this more.
    I just called home and my mum has her appointment through for next Thursday to start her first cycle of chemotherapy. You are right re time limit, the surgeon mentioned national statistics and I need to remind myself my mum is not a statistic. Everybody is different and treatments are changing every day.
    Thank you again for welcoming me today, appreciate your time :) x x

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