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  • in reply to: The financial aspects of cancer diagnosis… #47024

    Hi Melanie… sorry about your situation. What does your husband say about the move, is he in agreement? While I sympathize with you being exhausted, (I get it, I helped my dad take care of my mom 19 years ago when she had brain cancer) you dont need your husband to feel guilty about having to sell your dream house. Lean more on family and friends, maybe if you tell them your situation and you need help, they will step up to the plate for the both of you.

    Good luck with your decision and get some sleep!!


    in reply to: Newspaper Article #45913
    in reply to: Help with combinations of veggies #46685

    “do yourself a favor and put a dash of vodka in!”

    I tell my friends that I can not have a drink anymore and they remind me that I am getting a new liver so why not abuse the old one…. I still laugh at that one. But they do have a point!

    Kathy, I take a 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric with a 1/4 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil with a dash of pepper… my daily medicine. (read it in a few books).

    Lainy, if you have a recipe for cabbage soup (and you promise that the cabbage tastes better than cabbage juice) I would love that recipe please.

    Your roasted veggies is like my roasted potatoes but I use seasoning salt, olive oil with bell peppers, garlic & onions. I will have to try your recipe next.

    Thanks ladies!

    in reply to: Help with combinations of veggies #46682

    NO… french fries do NOT count :)

    But a girlfriend had a great idea today. She said when I go to the grocery store, read the labels and see what is in the juice aisle. I never go down that aisle because the juices have so much concentrate and sugar. So tomorrow I will check out like the V8 label and try that. So it would have tomatoes, celery?? And what ever else, minus the vodka :(

    in reply to: Help with combinations of veggies #46679

    Thank you and have fun playing!

    Today I tried the beets, carrots & ginger for lunch. It was not horribly bad and drinkable. My mantra… you had 50years to eat for pleasure and now you are eating for health.. shut up and drink it! lol

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