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  • in reply to: New member – Laura #85221

    Please excuse me. The dose of Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) is 5 gm twice
    The active medicines are Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) and Curcumin

    in reply to: New member – Laura #85220

    Please don’t forget to run LFT and tumor markers everymonth to check the profress of treatment.

    in reply to: New member – Laura #85219

    Hi Laura,
    My wife had similar situation and the doctor recommend adjuvant radiotherapy and chemotherapy. we compared the positve and negative effects of these adjuvant therapy. Finally with the inspiration of others successive story, we decided to follow some herbal medicine combinations which showing very good positive response. These combination includes
    1. Curcumin – 500 mg twice at the begining, later one per day
    2. Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) 5mg twice a day with high quality Indian/New Zeland honey
    3. Legaloon (Milk thistle/Silybum marianum) 2 tabs/day
    4. Green tea (Camellia sinensis) ; 300-400 mg polyphenols-epigallo catechin gallate/day
    5. Pomegranate juice- once/twice per day
    6. Goosberry juice-once per day
    7. Orange/Grapes fruit juice-once/twice day
    8. All types of fresh fruits and vegetables with high antioxidants (mangostein, strawberries, brocoli, carrot etc) except grapes.
    These combination definetly works which depend on the quantity and how we take. It also depends, how fast you take after the diagnosis. This can be try also along with other treatments.
    If you require any further details, please contact me

    in reply to: Alternate therapy #84859

    I don’t know why God is so cruel to the innocent people. Unfortuately, those people still praying to thesame curel God.
    We can fight any stages of diseases with different protocol. Pls give me a hand. The scientific community including myself doesn’t beleive in alternate medicine as there is no proper evidence or proof. I would like to conduct 1st CC survival summit to give a message to the world. Pls share your experience.

    in reply to: Alternate therapy #84858

    I am dedicating rest of my life to support the people suffering from CC and similar problems thruogh research, support, providing sugical guidance, surgical help and adjuvant therapy. I am strongly beleive that all the problem has a solution and we must find it. Once we could able to establish an adjuvant therapy, I would like to support world wide by sending it free of cost. So please share your experience to conclude it.

    in reply to: Alternate therapy #84857

    I am here attaching a success story of a person which is encouraging and useful.
    I am forwarding few information like related phone nos., few links on my story and related research papers on Ashwagandha, a wonderful plant that was used in Ayurveda for thousands of years for several ailments but was never identified as a Cancer drug as per Ayurvedic books. Now foreign researches (see few related papers from US and Japan below and in the attachments) have indicated potential use for cancer (probably any type). What I believe is that it’s property to boost or repair our body’s Immune system (which was identified long back in Ayurveda) and then our body do a self-healing of any type of disease including cancer. THIS IS WHAT I HAVE EXPERIENCED in my recovery after a 1 year ordeal of not able to eat due to throat ulcers caused as a side effect of chemotherapy and was told by my doctors that my Immune system was wrecked (like an AIDS patient !). A powdered extract of Ashwagandha plant root that I used to replace the nasty strong dose of steroids that I was using for a year or so, helped me to get my immune system back. Later (say after 4 months) I found that the residual tumour on my neck also disappeared similar to the findings recorded in the experiments done on mice in the US. There were also few experience of reduction in tumour by people who used it in the same dosage as I took (1 teaspoon powder extract from Kottakkal Aryavaidyasala twice a day with few drops of honey and water to make a paste before swallowing). You should start with 1/2 teaspoon x 2 initially for a week to get your tummy used with the “newcomer” as it may upset your tummy which I felt was a boon to an already “constipated” condition due to chemo. I ALSO BELIEVES THAT SUCH A HIGH DOSE (1 teaspoon = 5 gms) IS IMPORTANT UNLIKE SOME OF THE AYURVEDIC DOCTORS ARE RECOMMENDING VERY SMALL DOSAGES LIKE 2 to 3 gms TO CURE THE DISEASE. Also if the disease is in advanced condition, a combination of chemo or radiation along with Ashwagandha Extract may be ideal since chemo/radiation will quickly arrest the bulk of the fast spreading cancer cells while Ashwagandha will recover the damaged immune system / white blood cells and do a self healing preventing any further recurrence of cancer. Further the quality of life will immensely improve, even if it could not cure the very advanced disease. The immediate effects that I could experience within a week of taking the extract that improved my quality of life are:

    – good reduction in stress levels and I could stop the mild anti-depressants that I was taking for almost 6 months at that time.

    – Good sleep and no more nightmares which normally we experience while taking strong allopathic drugs. However it is not like sleeping pills and the sleep is absolutely normal.

    – Good bowel movement; initially it could be 3 – 4 times a day but later normal.

    The above 3 makes your life very comfortable. I am still taking a smaller dosage (3/4 spoon x once a day) as a preventive dose after almost a year of full dosage. A later PET-CT scan (mid-Nov ’12) showed my body absolutely clean from any cancer. It is NOT available in any of their nationwide outlets as it is still treated as a Research Product and not licensed to produce commercially. It is also available sometimes at their other Hospitals in Thrikkakkara, Cochin and their Main Hospital in Kottakkal, Kerala. The extract is inexpensive (approx Rs. 400 for 100 gms). They also send you by post within India, if you scan and send them the prescription and paid in advance by bank transfer. IF YOU ARE IN DELHI, OR KOCHI IT MAY BE CONVENIENT TO GET THE PRESCRIPTION FROM KOTTAKKAL AVS’s DELHI OR THRIKKAKKARA HOSPITALS (please see their website to get their address) AND POSSIBLY GET THE EXTRACT FROM THERE ITSELF OR BY POST FROM THEIR MAIN HOSPITAL IN KOTTAKKAL (Malappuram distt.)

    In case the above extract is not available initially, you may as well try the “basic root powder” of Ashwagandha – a whitish/yellowish powder called Ashwagandha Choorna OR Amukkuram Choornam manufactured by various companies like Oushadhi, Dabur etc. available everywhere. BUT THIS CHOORNA IS VERY BITTER AND SMELLY WHICH YOU MIGHT FEEL DIFFICULT TO TAKE ESPECIALLY YOU ARE ON CHEMO, AND ALSO NEEDS MORE DOSAGE. Even though it is not written in any Ayurvedic books about its potential use as a Cancer drug a number of Folk Vaidyas I understand, use this powder for cancer treatment successfully. Normally they do not name it while prescribing!! There are a number of companies making capsules from Extract. There are several other capsules available around the world in Health Supplement Shops, sold as “Stress pills” However there dosage is the big question mark. These are mostly named as “Ashwagandha Capsules” or “Withania Somnifera Capsules”. Capsules are available with Baba Ramdev also, I believe. PLEASE NOTE THAT ASHWAGANDHARISTAM OR LAHYAM IS NOT ADEQUATE AS THEY CONTAIN VERY LITTLE ASHWAGANDHA IN IT. HENCE THE EXTRACT IS IDEAL. I DID NOT FOLLOW ANY DIET RESTRICTIONS WHICH ARE NORMALLY FOLLOWED WITH AYURVEDIC MEDICINES. AS PER SLOAN-KETTERING CANCER CENTRE, NY WEBSITE, THE ONLY CAUTION THEY HIGHLIGHTED AVOIDING ASHWAGANDHA DURING PREGNENCY AS THERE IS A POTENTIAL FOR ABORTION (as it contains hormones). ALSO REGULAR BLOOD CHECKUP FOR BLOOD COUNTS, LIVER FUNCTION, KIDNEY FUNCTION, THYROID FUNCTION ARE RECOMMENDED. THYROID TEST MAY BE ADEQUATE ONCE A YEAR.

    Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal
    Ayurvedic Hospital & Research Centre
    18x,19x Karkardooma Institutional Area,
    (Near Railway Reservation Centre),
    Delhi – 110 092,
    Telephone: +91 – 11 22376534 – 37.
    Fax : +91 – 11 22376534.
    E-mail :

    Please try to start as early as possible. It is quite harmless, but gives a very quick relief. Hope it helps. Good luck, Hari

    NZ newspaper link:

    The research paper that I used as the basis of my treatment is from researches by American Ayurvedic Society, USA which is attached (see the website:

    Also see Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre, NY website on info. On Ashwagandha: (among attached documents)

    See world famous Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre, NY website:

    My blood test trends showing sharp changes in Lymphocytes, ESR and haemoglobin is also attached.

    My medications (only Ashwagandha Extract) was purchased from Kottakkal Aryavaidyasala, Kottakkal.

    Phone nos.:

    Kottakkal AVS Hospital – Main PBX +91 483 2806639, ask for Cancer Research Centre appointments

    Kottakkal Changuvetti Hospital Pharmacy – +91 483 2806308 (for medicine availability)

    Dr. Raveendran, Kottakkal AVS, Kallai Rd. Branch, Calicut (who gave me prescription in the first place) – +91 4952302666

    Please find this forwarded email with several research papers as attachment. You may get some details of the Clinical Trials at Tata Cancer Centre Mumbai initiated by National Cancer Institute, USA on Ashwagandha in the following website:

    Hari Nath,
    Principal Process Consultant,
    Excel Consultants,
    36 Fernleigh Street,
    New Zealand.

    Ph.: +64 6 7534240
    Mob: +64 21 703458

    in reply to: Alternate therapy #84855

    If we could able to establish a combination of adjuvant therapy with dosage based on our personal experience, it will be a great help for people and further studies in science. There are some antioxidant work against the chemo, but most of them favor it. if anybody can list the hebs and fruits with the antioxidant content and daily consumption, which will be a great support to others.

    in reply to: Alternate therapy #84854

    Thanks for the curcumin reference. It is very useful piece of information. Actually the term alternate therapy is not the right word and it is better to use “Adjuvant therapy”. If we can put our personal experience together, we can define adjuvant therapy with doses. Many people tried milk thistle extract, Curcumin, Ashwagandha, Polyphenol epigallocatechin gallate (green tea), antioxidants, etc as adjuvant therapy, but the dosage is not mentioned clearly.

    Please share your personal experience with doses if you take adjuvant therapy with
    1. surgery
    2. chemo & radiotherapy
    3. surgery & radiotherapy
    4. Surgery, radiotherapy & chemo
    5. Without surgery
    This information will help to establish the adjuvant therapy.
    Let me share my situation. My wife had diagnosed CC and immediately surgery done, removed the gall bladder, left liver lobe and hepatic biliary duct. Unfortunately the cut end of hepatic bile duct shows presence of abnormal cells in biopsy reprt. It is microscopical findings only. As a prevention adjuvant therapy is required as a prevention. All tumor markers are negative before and after surgery. She is having many suppliements above mentioned and now she is fine and once in every two weeks LFT is monitoring and it is normal. Also planning CT every 3 months. Now if we can conclude and establish a protocol for adjuvant therapy, this information will be useful to me and others.

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