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  • in reply to: Update about Mom #69519

    Thank you ALL so very much!

    Of course my mind wanders in so many different directions and I am scared, nervous, curious, etc etc.

    Mom is remarkably calm and for that I am so grateful!

    Your thoughts and prayers are so greatly appreciated!

    C xxx

    in reply to: A quick Mom update #62683

    Thanks so much Pam
    The doctor and I try to be gentle with her and get her to understand. He explained that the chemo has a cumulative and continues to be in her system and working against the cancer for a while even if she does not get her treatment due to the low counts.

    I think she is onboard now with what the doctor wants to do. Hoping she is anyway.

    Thank you so much for your words and kindness

    Christine xx

    in reply to: We saw the Oncologist today…. #67580

    Just a brief Hello and update!

    Mom continues to do well and we are on the newly lowered doses of both gemzar and carbo and she is tolerating it wonderfully!!

    The holidays were absolutely wonderful and Mom celebrated her birt hday on January 2nd!!! I am so grateful she is doing so well and we had another birthday to celebrate!!!

    Wishing you all a wonderful New Year!

    Christine xx

    in reply to: Overdue update #67047

    Mom just had surgery yesterday to replace her stents. She had 3 plastic stents but now only has 2 which are metal. Dr felt that metal would be better for her this time.

    I am not sure if they were clogged or not as I was not able to be there but I should know more after we see her oncologist on Thursday.

    Christine x

    in reply to: Mom’s Stents. #67528

    Good Morning my dear friends!

    Thank you ALL for being here yesterday as I stressed and worried while Mom was having her procedure!

    I just spoke with her this morning and she sounds FABULOUS!! You’d never even know she had surgery yesterday!

    We are eagerly awaiting Thursday’s appointment with her oncologist now. I will let you all know what he says as soon as I get back that afternoon!

    In the meantime, and I know I keep saying this but THANK YOU all so much! I don’t know how I would ever get through this without the guidance and love and support I find here!

    Warm Hugs!

    Christine xoxo

    in reply to: Mom’s Stents. #67525

    I am in HAPPY TEARS here… Thank you Lainy and thank you everyone!!



    in reply to: Mom’s Stents. #67523

    Ok Lainy!! I need that big YIPPEE!!

    Mom is on the way home. EVERYTHING went great. The 3 plastic stents are out and 2 metal ones are in. She did great and does not need to follow up with the surgeon. We will see the Onc on Thursday and he will have any and all info from today.

    Mom told everyone she came into contact with that she needed and demanded copies of every single piece of paperwork so she could give it to me. I will have those later this evening.

    PHEW!! I can breathe again!

    I have to tell you.. I had 2 wishes for this Christmas.. 1) I wanted my son home from Afghanistan for the holidays. We have not had him here in 2 years so this year will be super!
    and 2) I needed my Mom to be here with us.
    I got everything I needed and wanted :)

    HUGE hugs to all

    Christine xoxo

    in reply to: Mom’s Stents. #67521

    Thanks so much Gavin!

    I just heard she should be out of surgery in the next 15-20 minutes so I should know more shortly!

    SO NERVOUS! lol

    Chris xx

    in reply to: Overdue update #67045

    Thanks so much Pam. I will be more than happy to be nervous with you!!

    Spoke to Mom this morning and she had the second neupogen shot. Hoping that gives her the much needed boost and things can resume.

    Hugs and Love
    Chris :)

    in reply to: Overdue update #67043

    Thanks so much Lainy!

    Yes December is getting booked up but as long as all of the appts go well and the news is good, it’s fine!

    I will absolutely tell Jared Thank You from you!! Such a huge weight off my mind having him back home for good!

    Fortunately most of my Christmas shopping is done and I just need to get some smaller things to finish up. At least I don’t have that to deal with, YAY ME! lol

    ~Chris :)

    in reply to: Urologist Appt #34954

    LOL that pretty much sums it up!! A whip and chair may have come in handy as long as she did not get a hold of them! (warped sense of humor, sorry :)

    I wondered about asking for something to ease her nerves ( or maybe mine) but that’s her other bone of contention; MEDICATIONS. She thinks she is on too many but in fact, she takes one pill for her diabetes and one for the edema. Along with her vitamins etc. But she has never, ever been sick in her life and now it seems that there is something new at every turn.

    I just felt so bad for this new doctor and his staff~ Yikes, what a way to start a Monday!!

    in reply to: Urologist Appt #34952

    Thank you so much Pam. I am debating on calling my doctor for a referral to someone. This is so hard. I am trying to be supportive but WOW. Days like today are so difficult to handle.

    Mom has ALWAYS been like this, even before the cancer so it’s not really new to me. I think she is bipolar or manic or something but I have tried in the past to get her to see someone and almost got my head handed to me. Literally lol

    I feel better just having been able to “talk” about today. I know that she will calm down and be alright in a day or so. Hopefully before chemo on Wednesday :)

    Thanks so much for reading/listening. Hey at least it was good news from the doctor and that is what matters most~

    Love and hugs Back!

    in reply to: Upate and Checking in #66308

    Thanks so much Gavin.. I am back from Mom’s appt, will post a new topic on that

    Christine :)

    in reply to: Upate and Checking in #66318

    AMEN to all of that Lainy! xoxo

    in reply to: Upate and Checking in #66316

    You guys are the best! Thanks so much for all of your replies!!

    Have I mentioned how much it meant to me to find this board? I felt absolutely isolated before this. NOBODY had ever heard of CC when Mom was diagnosed and my expertise is in the lung cancer arena so I had a lot of late nights researching and hoping to find answers and support. Then I found you!!!
    THANK YOU!! From the bottom of my heart!


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