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  • in reply to: Upate and Checking in #66310

    LOL thanks so much Lainy!!! I really appreciate the support!

    I am hoping that the urologist agrees with the inflammation and we can take care of that simply and without surgery of any kind. She is terrified they will want to cut her. I can’t really blame her there.

    I will definitely keep you posted on Monday’s adventure!

    Chris :)

    in reply to: A Meeting With The FDA On Adding CCA To The Disease List #66056

    On behalf of my Mom and myself, thank you so much for what you are doing Percy.

    Until Mom’s diagnosis I had never even heard of this disease. I began to research and was so disheartened on the lack of information and resources out there

    I am so glad I found this board and all of you awesome people!


    in reply to: Surgery scheduled, sort of! #66082

    Lainy my soldier son is a HUGE Packers fan too!!

    And yes, attitude is 90% of the battle in many cases!

    Chris :)

    in reply to: new cancer patient #65760

    Holly I agree with the second opinion suggestions. I think that’s a very wise step for anyone first diagnosed.

    Wishing you the best

    in reply to: New member #66025

    Hi Cindy
    I am new here too but wanted to say Hello and let you know I am rooting for you!!


    in reply to: Surgery scheduled, sort of! #66080

    Thanks so much Pam!
    I think having a positive attitude and being able to laugh, even in the face of adversity are the best tools we can have in our arsenal.

    Cancer is not funny but there are some days all you can do is laugh! It really keeps me from going totally insane some days!

    <3 Chris

    in reply to: Surgery scheduled, sort of! #66078

    What a great idea.. Comedic Caregivers!! lol


    in reply to: Surgery scheduled, sort of! #66076

    Lainy one thing I have learned from my lung cancer people is that a positive attitude and a sense of humor are absolutely necessary to get through this cancer stuff. And yes mine is a bit off the wall :)

    I try to make Mom laugh as much as possible and although there are days she would much rather strangle me, for the most part it works!!


    in reply to: Surgery scheduled, sort of! #66074

    Oh potty mouths!! SN*W is a 4 letter word LOL.

    Last year the day before Halloween here in the beautiful Berkshires of Massachusetts, I had TWENTY NINE INCHES of SN*W!! It was unbelievable!

    Latest on the storm is sounding more and more ominous. I am the Chairperson of the Family Readiness Group for my son’s National Guard unit and got an email earlier from the guard support about Hurricane Preparedness encouraging us to be ready. I am as ready as I can be, just hoping and praying we do not get hit badly.

    Chris :)

    in reply to: Surgery scheduled, sort of! #66070

    LOL No I am not on the coast but I am in the Berkshires and we are supposed to be hit pretty hard! I am pretty much set for it though, got things all tied down and secured!

    Thanks so much for being here and giving me so much moral support! It means the world to me

    Christine :) xx

    in reply to: Question about Stents #65965

    I thank you all so much for giving me a bit of peace of mind over this.

    We see the surgeon tomorrow morning so I will let you all know what happens once I get back home.

    Christine :)

    in reply to: New Member, caring for my Mom #65959

    Thank you all so much!

    Lauren I feel as if I read my own story when I read your post. Uncanny how much we have in common!

    Warm hugs to all


    in reply to: New Member, caring for my Mom #65955

    Thank you Marion

    I am a lung cancer patient advocate, with my own web site and Facebook group called Make Some Noise for Lung Cancer Awareness. I help people research and find information on treatment plans, facilities etc. My main focus is to provide a positive and non judgmental place for people to find help. The stigma associated with lung cancer is the most important thing I want to see abolished.

    I am hosting my second annual Illuminate the Falls for Lung Cancer Awareness at Niagara Falls on November 16. It is the only event I will be doing this year as Mom needs me. Normally I host AHL hockey games and minor league baseball games to help raise awareness for lung cancer. This year however, I have been focused on Mom as well as my son who is serving in Afghanistan. Did I mention I like to stay busy?? lol

    I am so happy to have found this forum! NOBODY gets it like fellow travelers! Not many of my friends can comprehend what this is like, that not knowing and the constant worry of what if’s. I began blogging to just have a place to vent but that is not the same!

    SO thankful for you all!!

    Christine x

    in reply to: Question about Stents #65963

    Thank you so much Marion!!


    in reply to: Question about Stents #65961

    Hi Gavin,

    Thanks so much for your reply!

    Yes Mom has plastic stents. I have in my notes ( I document everything!!) that we were told that in approximately 3 months they would have to be cleaned or removed. If he was to replace them it would be with the metal stents.

    We see the surgeon on Friday so I will definitely let you know what we learn.

    Thanks so much!


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