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  • in reply to: Please help – starting a long fight!! #35026

    Hey, I had to join the chorus. Next Saturday 1/30/10 I will have a celebration. On 1/30/02 I had my Whipple; cancer in the bile duct. It has been a long journey but look at me I

    in reply to: Introduction and my story #29733

    Hi to all,
    I only want to re-assure anyone facing this challenge that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
    I am an adult male and I had all the symptoms; weight loss, jaundice, bowel changes, itching etc. I was fortunate because my doctor picked up on those things early and sent me on to the Loma Linda VA Hospital for tests. I was diagnosed and then because of my age; 71 and with chronic COPD, it required many more tests before I had the Whipple Resection. The surgery took about ten hours and then I had four days in ICU and two weeks on the surgery ward. My surgeon stopped by my room on the day I checked out and told me that they had gotten everything in the surgery and I would not have to have chemo. I went home with two drains still installed and a feeding tube that was installed just to the left of my navel. The drains were removed after a time but I continued to use the feeding tube for a couple months. The healing was long and at time tough but fast forward to the present where I am back to normal and I am a 7 year 6 month survivor. One of a very, very few but I want everyone that is facing this ordeal to know that it can be done. I live alone and just had my 79th birthday and I feel great. The complaints I have are all caused by my age and of course the COPD is still present. My surgeon and his team were experienced in the Whipple surgery so much of the success of my story has to be directed to them and the great care I received at the Loma Linda VA Hospital in Loma Linda CA.
    My doctor tells me that she thinks my success is mostly because I have a positive attitude so if there is a suggestion here it would be to stay positive and keep the stress to a minimum. I don

    in reply to: New Member-My Mom #28565

    All the previous are good and I should know. I am a survivor of the whipple.
    I was diagnosed as having a tumor in my bile duct and my surgery was done on January 30, 2002. Yes, that makes me a seven year survivor and a very lucky person. It was tough, no question but I made it. All the suggestions posted earlier are good and I can’t add anything new but I can say there is a light at the end of that long tunnel. It will take some hard work and a positive attitude but it can be done. I’m sending my good thoughts and wishes. .
    Chris. . .

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